atomisation example compilation and execution problem

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Harsh Agarwal

Jun 10, 2024, 4:52:57 AMJun 10
to basilisk-fr


I have installed basilisk in WSL environment in "/home/gopu" directory my windows PC also on college HPC cluster. Their I prepare the code file "atomisation.c" in "/home/gopu/myfiles" directory as reccomended in example. 


1)- Approach first:


 Then I produce the source code on my local PC as recommended in the example using:

qcc -source -grid=octree -D_MPI=1 atomisation.c

Then I copy the source code "_atomisation.c" from my local PC to my college HPC cluster using:

scp _atomisation.c javedm@clustername:/home/javedm/myfiles 

Their I prepare the run script which I am attaching as "" to upload the job script on the cluster, but I am getting the error file and output file containing error, which are named respectively as "log_compilation" and "atomout_compilation_error".

From analysing the errors, I am suggesting that the compilation using mpicc is not being done, as it might be searching the files in "/home/gopu/basilisk.." instead of "/home/javedm/basilisk..". Therefore, not producing the executable file.

Please suggest me something to solve this error.


2)- Approach second:


As in first approach I produced the source code on local PC, but this time I compile the source code on the login node of the HPC by loading the required module:

module load compiler/openmpi/gcc/4.0.2

module load compiler/intel/2020.2.254

compiling using:

mpicc -Wall -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700 -O2 _atomisation.c -o atomisation -L/home/javedm/basilisk/src/gl -lglutils -lfb_tiny -lm

This produce executable file naming “atomisation”, then I submit the run script with run command only naming “”

This produce an error file and a output file respectively naming as “log_run2” and “basilisk2.output”


3)- Approach third:


Instead of producing the source code on the local PC, I tried to produce the source code on the HPC using the same:

qcc -source -grid=octree -D_MPI=1 atomisation.c

with some parsing errors it produces source code "_atomisation.c". The errors file naming “comp_onlog.docx”.

Then I upload the same "" script hoping successful compilation and execution, but now also the compilation doesn’t work. Therefore, no point of execution also.

I am attaching the error file as "log_hpc" and also the output file as "basilisk3.output"

Please suggest me something to solve this error.

4)- Approach fourth:


As in third approach produce source code on HPC and this time doing the compilation on the login node as well by loading the required module:

module load compiler/openmpi/gcc/4.0.2

module load compiler/intel/2020.2.254

then doing the compilation using:

mpicc -Wall -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700 -O2 _atomisation.c -o atomisation -L/home/javedm/basilisk/src/gl -lglutils -lfb_tiny -lm

which produce an executable file “atomisation”.

Then for executing the code I upload the job script naming “”, which in return produces error and output file as “log_run4” and “basilisk4.output” respaectively.


5)- Approach fifth:


Produced the source code on local PC, compiled on login node and running on HPC using run script but containing the run command for single environment i.e.


Which produces the files but they are as I want them to be.

If anyone one of you can suggest a proper procedure then please suggest me, or if I am doing some silly mistake in my procedure then please also suggest.

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