You are Invited @ the Year End Party for all Graduate Students and Alumni by the GSA!

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Tony Exuma

May 20, 2012, 2:58:45 AM5/20/12
to Baruch MPA Students

Dearest MPAers,


An invitation from the Graduate Students cannot miss!


You are cordially invited to the Year End Party for all Graduate Students and Alumni at the Greenwich Village Country Club (GVCC) on May 29th.

And…each graduate student is allowed to bring ONE guest.


Please bring your Baruch ID; drink tickets will be given to students at the entrance.

All students, guest, and alumni needs to RSVP at to get in.  Registration will close on May 28th by Midnight.  


Please find the event details are on the flyer below.


Any questions/concerns, please reach out to us by hitting Reply All.


Good luck for your finals and see you there!


Best Regards,



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