July Clarion

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BFS Officer Chronicler

غير مقروءة،
09‏/06‏/2022، 9:19:33 ص9‏/6‏/2022
إلى barony-of-f...@googlegroups.com
A gentle reminder:. The deadline for publication of Things in the July Clarion approaches on winged feet. Please submit Officers Notices, Calendar Things, Articles, Blurbs, Event Flyers (July thru Sept, BFS and any other Calontir branch welcome), SCA Hacks, or any other Useful Thing to me by July 1.  

Documents should please be in MS Word (please don't text them to me!), and drawings or photos in jpeg format. Add a copy of the appropriate release form(s) from below, and life is Golden.

I'd like to advertise Feast of Eagles, our own Kingdom Arts and Sciences Championship and Tri-levels event, as well as something detailed about what is tri-levels vs the Kingdom Championship and so forth.  

I'd also like to publish the list of upcoming A&S classes, such as we have them scheduled, and any planned Baronial Courts or Baronial activities- populace dinners, demos, Populace Revolt during Pennsic Week, etc. 

Many thanks.  I remain your humble servant~~

Kennara Aidan Cocrinn OL


Creative Works Release Form (articles, etc)  https://forms.gle/PRTAP2WhQrBFLtTd6

Model Release Form https://forms.gle/QS1b1dgVCxnMLnG67

Photographer Release Form https://forms.gle/hci17ssGeqyFM3kW7

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