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Broken Debian server running as Bareos Director

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Stefan Harbich

Nov 6, 2024, 6:13:41 PM11/6/24
to bareos-users
i am very sad. My central Debian server is broken. The bareos Director was also running there. I have not yet worked out a disaster recovery plan. I have stored all backups on an external usb drive. The bsr file and the data storage is also on the usb drive. And i have the PostgreSQL Database Dump. I need support on how to best way to recovery my server.
1. Bootable USB stick
2. Minimal operating system, possibly with ReaR?
3. Recovery via the Director?
Well, but how exactly? Are there any good instructions on how to do this? It would be really nice of you if you could support me. Thank you very much.
Greetings from Stefan Harbich

Stefan Harbich

Nov 6, 2024, 7:25:33 PM11/6/24
to bareos-users
If I get the Director running again on the server, can I connect a hard drive to a client and then completely restore it for the server?

Bruno Friedmann (bruno-at-bareos)

Nov 7, 2024, 3:41:08 AM11/7/24
to bareos-users
Maybe you should start reading and applying all the instructions proposed here 

It should contain all the instructions needed to restore a bareos installation, as it look like you have the most important
configuration backed up in volume, and db dump.

If you find out some missing instructions, would you mind to them write down, so we will be able to add those steps to the documentation.

Oleg Volkov

Nov 8, 2024, 5:15:19 AM11/8/24
to bareos-users
To restore director from having only media:

Stefan Harbich

Nov 8, 2024, 8:13:53 AM11/8/24
to bareos-users
I found an old hard drive with a working Debian version. But Bareos version 21.0.0 is installed on it. Can I use a PostgreSQL dump from Bareos 23.0.5 in Bareos version 21.0.0?

Stefan Harbich

Nov 8, 2024, 8:54:35 AM11/8/24
to bareos-users
Hello Oleg, when restoring I get the following information. About the block size.
Is the message a problem?
Greetings from Stefan
root@dsme01:/tmp# bextract -b /tmp/my.bsr FileStorage /tmp
bextract: stored/ Using device: "FileStorage" for reading.
08-Nov 14:45 bextract JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "Full-0196" on device "FileStorage" (/media/usb/backups/storage).
08-Nov 14:45 bextract JobId 0: Error: stored/ Block length 1048576 is greater than buffer 64512. Attempting recovery.
bextract: stored/ stored/ Block length 1048576 is greater than buffer 64512. Attempting recovery.
08-Nov 14:45 bextract JobId 0: stored/ Setting block buffer size to 1048576 bytes.
bextract: stored/ stored/ Setting block buffer size to 1048576 bytes.

Oleg Volkov schrieb am Freitag, 8. November 2024 um 11:15:19 UTC+1:
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