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Unable to run VirtualFull - no jobid

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Brock Palen

Nov 26, 2024, 8:51:47 PM11/26/24
to bareos-users
For as long as I have used bareos I could run a manual virtualFull to consolidate everything together, but when I try to do it recently it fails with:

25-Nov 09:56 myth-dir JobId 97402: Start Virtual Backup JobId 97402, Job=sch-hp-desktop-Users-Pictures.2024-11-25_09.56.30_05
25-Nov 09:56 myth-dir JobId 97402: Error: Cannot run always incremental job at level VirtualFull with no jobid list.

I kick these off with

run job=<jobname> level=VirtualFull spool=no

Is this expected behavior? Before this would run and would cosolidate all jobs into one,

Brock Palen
Websites, Linux, Hosting, Joomla, Consulting

Bruno Friedmann (bruno-at-bareos)

Nov 27, 2024, 2:43:37 AM11/27/24
to bareos-users
Yes see changelog. 
  • dird: disallow running always incremental virtual full jobs with empty jobid list PR #1901

Only the consolidation job can do it right as it will give a list of jobids to consolidate together, we place this security check, to avoid people rerunning a job created by consolidation directly.

If you need to run/rerun a job created by consolidation, you can just restart the consolidation job.

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