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VMWare plugin large disk restores failing

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Leon Bartle

Nov 4, 2024, 11:38:50 AM11/4/24
to bareos-users
Hi there!

I have had multiple regular VMWare backup->restore go successfully. Four virtual machines have failed to restore properly after I backed them up. 
All these VMs have in common, that they are the only VMs with really large disks. 3TB raw, 1,5Tb compressed. The backup and restore both take about 2:30h - 3:30h. The Machines OS is Redhat. 

On a regular restore, the filesystem fails to mount some paritions on boot and boots into rescue mode. This is only fixed by running a filesystem check, which finds and fixes multiple issues. 

When the source VM is deleted, and a restore is attempted, the VM fails to boot after Grub and the error message reads "Warning. Boot has failed. To debug this issue add " rd.debug" to the kernel command line. (Which I currently cannot do because of missing permissions)

The only "error message" that appears in both the backup and restore log is:
python3-fd-mod: keepalive failed with The session is not authenticated., last keepalive was 12303.316767454147 s ago, trying to reconnect.
I have retried after adding a 60 sec heartbeat interval, but I suspect, that this value does not apply to the VMWare plugin.

Do you all have an idea on how to fix/debug this?

Kind Regards,

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