I have problems using the "bandwidth limitation" of bareos - I have installed bareos on my private Univention Corporate Server to backup quite a number of files from my network storage on a file storage on the internet. Bareos version is 13.2.2 (which is the latest available via UCS appstore).
Now whenever I run a full backup, my internet connection is blocked for several hours though I have set up the bandwidth limitation of bareos - maybe I made an error on this setup and I hope for someone here to help me solve this issue.
The repective Client entry in bareos-dir.conf is:
Client {
Maximum Bandwidth per Job = 1 k/s
I set a limit of 1 k/s to be very restrictive and to be way aways from the physical limit of my conncetion for testing.
The status command for the client then lists
[...] bwlimit=0kB/s
Now does this mean I mistyped the limit in the conf-file or is the limit that restrictive that it converts to 0 on the status?
Actually when I run a backup job, it comes up with
Rate: 44.5 KB/s
Which is fairly the maximum bandwidth of the connection at that time...
Is this a mistake in my conf or any bug in the system?
Thanks for any help on this issue.
Best regards
Martin Pielke
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