$5m Fund to Stimulate Cambodia’s Startup Scene

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Tharum Bun

Mar 29, 2022, 9:21:16 AM3/29/22
to barcampp...@googlegroups.com
Cambodian startups specializing in finance, agriculture, and the service and technology sectors are being invited to pitch for a piece of a $5 million investment pie that aims to encourage investment in new businesses.

A $5 million fund has been approved to invest in Cambodian startups, thanks to the launch of a Fund Syndicate that aims to help angel investors pool their cash into new businesses.

Leny KEO

Mar 31, 2022, 11:14:50 AM3/31/22
to barcampp...@googlegroups.com
Hi Folk, 

I and my team are doing a research study about motivation to visit Cambodia, I wish you guys take 5 minutes to fill our questionnaire. #NONE of your private info is collected. 

Thanks in advance.


PS: It is not a SPAM.


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