[BarCampO] [Event] Acts As Conference 2010 - We Want You To Speak!

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Robert Dempsey

May 19, 2010, 8:42:06 AM5/19/10
to BarCampOrlando - Discussion
Hi everyone,

The call for proposals is open for Acts as Conference 2010. This year
we're focusing on software craftsmanship, Agile, web development, and
of course the leading edge in the Ruby on Rails world. We're going
even bigger than last year, with a full day of hands-on workshops, and
two days of sessions. Each day we'll have conference Internet,
breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon breaks, as well as a speaker/
sponsor dinner.

Proposals are already coming in, and tickets are being sold.

Get all the details and submit your workshop or session proposal
today: http://www.actsasconference.com/submit-a-workshop-or-session-for-aac2010/

See you there.


Robert Dempsey

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George Drage

May 19, 2010, 9:50:31 AM5/19/10
to barcamp...@googlegroups.com
Do we have a date for this event?


George Drage

Sent from my iPhone

Robert Dempsey

May 19, 2010, 9:53:38 AM5/19/10
to barcamp...@googlegroups.com
October 28-30. All the details are on the site George. Thanks!

- Rob

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 9:50 AM, George Drage <gdra...@gmail.com> wrote:
Do we have a date for this event?


George Drage

Sent from my iPhone

Eric Marden

May 20, 2010, 3:02:24 AM5/20/10
to BarCampOrlando - Discussion
Only Rails or is Sinatra invited to the party?


On May 19, 8:53 am, Robert Dempsey <rdemp...@adsdevshop.com> wrote:
> October 28-30. All the details are on the site George. Thanks!
> - Rob

Robert Dempsey

May 20, 2010, 7:18:25 AM5/20/10
to barcamp...@googlegroups.com
Sinatra would be tasty too :)

- Rob
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