Summary of Meeting

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Gregg Pollack

Jan 20, 2010, 12:18:08 PM1/20/10
Hey guys,

Sorry for the delay, but I was supposed to give everyone a quick
summary of what went on at the meeting last week. Here are the
important highlights

1. Date - Looks like our date is set for April 3rd! I have solidified
with Wall Street Plaza that we'll have Slinapour's and One Eye'd
Jacks. We still need to solidify the Gibson Showroom is available.

2. Venues - Aside from the normal venues, it sorta makes sense to
utilize CoLab. At the least we can use it as a recharge station w/
reliable internet. At the most we could use it as another room for
talks. Everyone agreed it's a little far to include it as another
venue for talks.

2. Internet - We had a company try to do internet last time.. and the
time before.. and the time before. We all kinda came to the
conclusion that BarCamp can exist without good wifi, as long as all
the speakers know they can't use the internet. Internet can always be
obtained by going up to CoLab. If anyone feels differently you are
more then welcome to take it upon yourself to find a company to bring
in a satellite dish and wire all the buildings.

3. Graphics - James Tryon volunteered to do the logo and flyers this
year, thanks James!

4. Flyers - We are going to try hard to get flyers done in time for
FOWA miami next month. We all agreed flyers should not have beer on
them, we'd prefer whiskey (kidding).

5. Sponsors - Instead of having lots of tiny sponsors, we're going to
try to keep it more manageable this year. Three $1000 level room
sponsors, and six $500 level sponsors. If you know someone interested
in sponsoring please ping Tim Rosenblatt ( who
will be helping with sponsorships.

6. Costs - Case you were wondering, it's about $2500 for lunch, $2500
for T-shirts, and then $1000 for signs/flyers/rental chairs/misc

7. Updating the Website. - Could use someone's help keeping the
website up to date with latest plans and buzz around BarCamp. Let me
know if you'd like to take the lead. It's currently running a Ruby
blogging engine, and I wouldn't be hurt if you ported it over to Word

That's about it... Now I need to help Tim start to get sponsors.

Gregg Pollack
Envy Labs

James Tryon

Jan 25, 2010, 9:51:31 PM1/25/10
to BarCampOrlando - Discussion
Sounds Great!

Im a little late signing up for the group. I thought I had already
done this last year.

Let me know if you need anything.

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