Organizing a BarCampBank in New England?

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Frederic Baud

Oct 15, 2007, 5:24:02 AM10/15/07
to barcampbank-sf

Morriss just thrown the idea of organizing a BarCampBank some time in
2008 in New England ( ). I
think this is a great idea!!

Maybe we should synchronize the organization of BarCampBankSF and
BarCampBankNewEngland so that: either we set dates so that people
interested in participating both events can easily do so - or - we
hold both events at the same time and maybe have a direct link between
both coasts during part of the events.

I'd like to propose that we use this google group for discussing the
organization of BarCampBankSF and BarCampBankNewEngland .

Anyone is of course warmly invited to share their views and react
anywhere they feel most appropriate (this group, the barcamp website,
their blog, Twitter,...).




Oct 16, 2007, 9:47:51 AM10/16/07
to barcampbank-sf
Hi Frederic,

I love the idea of a simultaneous BarCampBanks with video hookup in
between. Awesome idea as long as the costs can be covered, which I
think wouldn't have to be too great. However, I will throw out there:
SF is a great place to visit in Winter. It may get cold in SF, but
there's never any snow. So people might like to visit SF in the
winter, whereas New England should most likely be a Spring thing. but
if its simultanesous with hookup, that would be cool!

Frederic Baud

Oct 16, 2007, 11:54:14 AM10/16/07
to barcampbank-sf

Tough choice indeed. Why not organize a quick survey (nothing
committing, we can all change our minds later)?

I created a poll using Doodle at:

You'll see that I can not make up my mind. Please be more decisive
than I was and give us a feeling of what we should be discussing next
Thursday during the flashmeeting ( ).



Frederic Baud

Dec 10, 2007, 5:57:53 AM12/10/07
to barcampbank-sf

Hi All,

Just read from latest modification on
that Morriss is proposing March 29. We may end-up having 2
BarCampBanks at the same time. We'll have to imagine some
synchronization mechanism, like for example an interactive wiki board
for proposing sessions, instead of the old fashioned paper board, so
everyone can follow what's happening on the other coast.




Dec 20, 2007, 12:10:39 PM12/20/07
to barcampbank-sf
Few thoughts on 'connecting' the two. I'm considering (look below)
having one of us at each conference so we could try:

1) We are getting a HD-quality video conferencing system through
LifeSize that is fairly portable (especially if yall get have the
HDTVs) we could bring to each location. Would anyone?
2) High-res Skype is dead simple to do and free.
3) I have a Seesmic account and we could always do video conversations
that way.

One of these should work I would think...

Brad Garland

Tangent: My thoughts on a 1-day event is I'm less likely to fly out
and join in if it's just for a single day event, kinda pricey.

On Dec 10, 4:57 am, Frederic Baud <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just read from latest modification on

Frederic Baud

Dec 21, 2007, 2:51:43 AM12/21/07
to barcampbank-sf
Hi Brad,

In case of synchronicity, what BarCampBank will you attend? I suppose
that would be BarCampBankNewEngland, but just to make sure.

Video-conference maybe hard to setup with a poor result. I think
though that some cheap WebTV style broadcasting could be an
interesting way to know what's going on on the other side, and for
anyone interested on the globe (probably not the audience for the
super bowl) a quick way to get a feeling of the event.

Maybe people on this mailing list that are considering attending one
of the BarCampBanks could start putting their names on the wiki pages
(with a comment stating the conditional aspect of their registration
if they wish). This could start creating a reassuring critical mass
for the occasional passers-by.


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