Hey Matt,
Fantastic job with this.
It would also be very cool if you mentioned near the bottom that there
will also be BarCampBank NewEngland being held the following week on
April 5 in Manchester, New Hampshire.
On twitter, there has been a little bit of discussion about "which
BarCampBank should I go to?" And some people are considering both. The
general consensus is that SF will be more tech/start-up oriented,
which I'm sure is true. I'm very sad that William Azaroff won't be
able to make either one. For NewEngland, I'm excited we have Geezeo,
and I just made a contact through Robbie Wright in Oregon to connect
with the Andera people in Providence RI. Hopefully Andera will come to
one or both.
On Jan 12, 1:28 am, "Matt Iverson" <
m...@boulevardr.com> wrote:
> I hadn't really thought of a specific date. We can just add to the press
> release if more organizations plan on attending. I think the document is
> pretty close to a final, but please feel free to suggest changes.
> Matt