Re: A real success

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Frederic Baud

Apr 2, 2008, 11:20:42 AM4/2/08
to Morriss Partee,, Felipe Albertao,
Hi Matt,

Great event and thank you for making this happen!!! I'd also like to thank
Felipe and Darius (can you forward the mail, I could not find his address)
for their dedication to the event. I'd like to thank Morriss as well for his
energy and strong support for this event.

I just created the page to let everyone
express their views and potential support for organizing this second
BarCampBank San Francisco. No pressure, we can let things ripe over time and
use the page just to organize the brainstorming and forward the idea around.

Maybe we can also continue to use to communicate on specific
news concerning the organization and to throw ideas around while thing are

Look forward to meeting you all again very soon,



----- Original Message -----
From: "BarCampBank" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 7:21 PM
Subject: A real success

> Hi all,
> From all the feedback I got from BCBSF participants, Saturday's event
> seemed like a real success. It was great that so many people turned out
> who were also so engaged.
> If anyone is interested in helping organize another one, say in 6 months,
> please let me know or put you name up under "Who can help with
> organizing?" on the wiki:
> My guess is we could get the same venue if we have enough lead time.
> Many thanks to everyone who helped out, especially with clean up.
> All the best,
> Matt
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