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THATCamp -- The Humanities And Technology Camp

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Amanda French

Aug 25, 2010, 10:56:33 PM8/25/10
to BarCamp
Just wanted to let the BarCamp community know that some of us sneaky
academics in fields like History, English, Philosophy and languages
have taken inspiration from BarCamp and have to start our own
revolution: THATCamp (The Humanities And Technology Camp). We describe
it as a place where humanists and technologists meet to work together
for the common good.

There's a list of over 25 THATCamps with links to individual THATCamp
websites, plus a lot more information, at

Upcoming THATCamps of interest include THATCamp Canberra THATCamp Bay
Area, THATCamp New England, THATCamp Cologne, THATCamp Firenze, and
many more . . . please do come if you're at all interested!


Amanda French
THATCamp Coordinator
Center for History and New Media
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