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Malcon Conference 2012 Details

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dominic k

Oct 19, 2012, 10:24:39 AM10/19/12
to Dominic K
Dear Friends,

Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) is a registered non-profit scientific body established to advance the physical and cyber security of the Nation, in support with the Government of India. ISACs across the globe serve a single purpose - to promote information sharing among entities and help with intelligence to secure critical infrastructure of the country. This is much required in India as we are one of the largest democratic nations with multitude of challenges. ISAC has a single goal - to improve intelligence sharing and collaboration among various law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the country and empower them with the right resources to handle cyber space of the Nation.

An ISAC project in support with the Government of India, Malcon is a premier Information security conference focused on Malwares. Malcon provides a platform bringing together Malware and Information Security Researchers from across the globe to share key research insights into building and containment of the next generation malwares.

Objective of MalCon
1. Empower and promote security research in India.
2. Provide a platform to showcase the best of security research
3. Empower the Government of India with offensive defense capability.
4. Research in next generation malwares and attack vectors
5. Empower the corporate with research to tackle malicious threats to their business.

To some it’s just an event with focus on malcoders or malwares, but for us - it's a weapon - a display of power and capability as a Nation which can take an offensive approach if needed for defending its cyber space.

To this affect we are looking forward to your presence. Kindly find the .pdf attached for further details

Thank you

Dominic K
MalCon 2012 - Technitics.pdf
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