Barcamp Bangkok 5 - Organizers meeting #2 (April 20th, 2011)

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Apr 8, 2011, 8:32:45 AM4/8/11
We've had our first Barcamp Organizers meeting last week and since it was scheduled on semi-short notice there were some people who could not make it. To avoid this and to hopefully bring out more people who are interested in helping we will be holding a second meeting on Wednesday, April 20th at Web Course Bangkok at 7pm. I'd invite all those who could not make the first meeting, but are interested in assisting to join us. We still have positions to fill and would like your support.

Two things we need assistance with is people who can assist with Graphic and Print design for Barcamp Bangkok. This includes T-Shirt design, web design and banner design. 

We will also require some individuals to  assist with gathering and meeting with potential sponsors for Barcamp. 

It couldn't hurt to have some more people on the marketing team either. 

If you are interested in assisting or are curious about the plans for the next barcamp please join us on April 20th.

If you can't help out organize the event, we will need volunteers for the days of the events. If you can't spare time before the event, but would like to help out the days during the event, please come and show your support.

Things to do before next meeting:

  • Setup Basecamp project manager for organizers
  • Nail down a date with Sripatum
  • Figure out if software park is interested in assisting with VC Track at Barcamp
  • Contact hotels near Sripatum and see what types of packages they can offer us
  • Create sponsorship prospectus
  • Find designers to assist with Print / Web Design
  • Have web developers install and play with old site, to see if they require assistance.
  • Discuss more with TEDxBKK about tandem event
  • Gather more volunteers who perhaps couldn't make it to the first meeting

Discussed at meeting #1.

1. Tentative date is in early July. This conflicts with some of the organizers calendars, so we'll work out the exact date with the venue and organizers on what works best for everyone.

2. No Free Lunch / Lunch Break. Removes large budget item. No large lunch rush, as there's no lunch break. Hopefully canteen at venue will be open to feed guests, otherwise we'll arrange food vendors.

3. Change session length to 45 minutes and 15 minute break in between. 25 minutes was too short for most people. 5 minute break in between sessions isn't enough time. This format worked well for Yangon and should work well for us.

4. Ben from Proteus will be organizing a venture capital competition where entrepreneurs will pitch their business plans to venture capitalists in the hopes of gaining funding. There will be a cash prize for the winner. We will reserve at least one large room at barcamp for this.

5. A comprehensive sponsorship prospectus will be created ahead of time and send out to potential sponsors. It will include a package of what they will receive for their money. This way we define the structure of sponsorship instead of allowing sponsors to do so, should avoid confusion.

6. We will organize a hotel close to the venue for guests or barcamp. We will try and work out discounted rates for those who wish to stay over night near Sripatum, which will hopefully raise attendance on the second day of the event. We may or may not organize the after party at the hotel if they can provide us with a decent package.

7. Website will be re-done for this event. We have programmers willing to do the work, but still require designers.

8. Design for Barcamp will be simplified, so that it can be easily reused for future barcamps with minimal effort required. This means removing the number from most print / design materials.

9. Create more copy for marketing purposes and make sure it's translated into both English and Thai. Created a position in the organizing team who's sole purpose will be to assist with creating / translating / posting copy to our social media avenues.

10. See if we can find someone to assist in recording audio / video for at least some rooms at the event. This will need to be post processed and submitted to youtube and other video sites. Contact those who have assisted in the past, to see if they are interested.

11. Created a position for a foreign liaison to help with organizing flights, transportation and rooms for the guests arriving from outside Thailand. 

12. TEDxBKK is interested in running a TEDx at same venue on the same days at Barcamp Bangkok. Liaison more with TEDxBKK to see if running our events in tandem is feasible and if so, work out the details. Organizers from Barcamp are on board with this idea.

13. Schedule regular Barcamp Bangkok's every 6 months. A large budgeted event, and one small no budget event.


Apr 8, 2011, 8:42:13 AM4/8/11
We only have the space till 8pm, so this will be a short meeting. Please make sure you show up a couple minutes before 7pm, so we may get started right away.

Jérémie Tisseau

Apr 11, 2011, 5:01:53 AM4/11/11
In reply to step 7, what are the requirements and deadline for website design? 



Apr 11, 2011, 12:40:15 PM4/11/11
We currently don't have ideas on time frame or requirements for the website, we just know we want to do a new one and that it will need something up around 2 months before the event. I'll get the web team to dream up some ideas for the next meeting, so we have something tangible to work from when we meet on the 20th.

If you're interested in volunteering with some design work, please come. From your work, it looks like you'd be a great fit.


Jérémie Tisseau

Apr 13, 2011, 3:34:24 AM4/13/11
When is the next meeting? I think I have seen it on Facebook but can't find it again.

When is Barcamp 5 scheduled?


proteus guy

Apr 13, 2011, 3:52:11 AM4/13/11
to, Jérémie Tisseau
Next meeting is the 20th of April. Barcamp is not yet scheduled as we are waiting for Sripatum to give us dates that would work out for them. Anticipating a late July/August date given my conversations with them thus far.

  -- Ben

2011/4/13 Jérémie Tisseau <>
When is the next meeting? I think I have seen it on Facebook but can't find it again.

When is Barcamp 5 scheduled?


Barcamp Bangkok 4: October 23-24, 2010
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Jérémie Tisseau

Apr 14, 2011, 12:05:43 AM4/14/11
to, Jérémie Tisseau
I can't make it next week. Could someone please send me a brief after the meeting and tell me what needs to be done for the website? 

I am probably going to be really busy in May and I am not sure I will have much time to work on this. If I only provide the PSD files, would that work for you guys? Do you have someone to do the front end and backend?


Ches Martin

Apr 14, 2011, 1:02:08 AM4/14/11
FYI I'm posting the dates of meetings and events here:

This is a good calendar to subscribe to, if I may say so myself :-)

Jeremie Tisseau

Apr 14, 2011, 1:03:57 AM4/14/11
Thanks! That's what I was looking for.

Best Regards,

Jérémie Tisseau
Owner of Web Kreation Ltd. 
UI Designer & Front-End Developer

Web Design Agency, Mobile Development

ADDRESS: Room 1702, 17/F., Asian House
1 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
TEL/FAX: +66 (0)2881-3750 // SKYPE: jeeremie
TWITTER: jeeremie // LINKEDIN: jeeremie


proteus guy

Apr 14, 2011, 1:32:14 AM4/14/11
to, Jérémie Tisseau
Several of the Proteus staff have volunteered to do the back end. They can probably handle a well formed PSD for starters.

  -- Ben

2011/4/14 Jérémie Tisseau <>
I can't make it next week. Could someone please send me a brief after the meeting and tell me what needs to be done for the website? 

I am probably going to be really busy in May and I am not sure I will have much time to work on this. If I only provide the PSD files, would that work for you guys? Do you have someone to do the front end and backend?




Apr 14, 2011, 2:59:53 AM4/14/11
to, Jérémie Tisseau

Im able to cut a psd into HTML if that's not something our dev team wants to do. PSD deliverables for the design will suffice.

The meeting on April 20th is scheduled at 7pm sharp as we only have the room until 8pm.

proteus guy

Apr 14, 2011, 8:57:15 AM4/14/11
to, Jordan, Jérémie Tisseau
I will not be at the meeting, unfortunately, as I will be in Singapore. I will send an update but it seems very unlikely from my last communication with Sripatum that we will have a date set by the meeting time. However - we have definite confirmation that they want to host it.

  -- Ben

2011/4/14 Jordan <>


Apr 18, 2011, 4:15:19 AM4/18/11
to Barcamp Thailand
The time on the calendar says 11:45 AM, so is the meeting at 11 in the
morning or 7 in the evening? Can someone please clarify.


Apr 18, 2011, 4:28:32 AM4/18/11
7pm in the evening. Meeting will end at 8pm, so please be there on time or a bit early.


Apr 18, 2011, 4:30:13 AM4/18/11
I have a messed up times on that calendar have something to do with timezones. 

@Ches, can you look into that. 

PS. The calendar is not the official place to find times, google groups is.

Ches Martin

Apr 18, 2011, 6:40:51 PM4/18/11
Whoops, sorry folks. Calendar is fixed to use ICT instead of GMT now ;-)

James Dejsuphong

Apr 20, 2011, 3:28:38 AM4/20/11
Update from the TEDxBKK camp, we have run the idea with TED and it seems that there are quite a number of rules that we need to follow. In a general sense, as long as we "clearly" distinguish the two events, we should be fine. In BarCamp Chiangmai, TEDxDoiSuthep is schedule the day after BarCamp event. So it's more of a strategic schedule/location, rather than having a "co-event".

I will explain more in today's meeting. See you all.


James Dejsuphong

ReadyOffice - Managing Director
TEDxBKK - Curator/Organizer
Nettree ISP - Partner

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 5:40 AM, Ches Martin <> wrote:
Whoops, sorry folks. Calendar is fixed to use ICT instead of GMT now ;-)


James Dejsuphong

Apr 21, 2011, 4:14:06 AM4/21/11

Per discussion yesterday, I will sponsor the server stuff through my ISP. I have already set up a dedicated server with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, but I'm not sure how many people will need the access. So, if you are working on the website, please email me. I will give you the IP and login credential.

Sorry for sending out via mass email group; I'm not certain that everyone is already on the Basecamp.


James Dejsuphong

PS: It's a clean install. You will have to put in Django yourself.

ReadyOffice - Managing Director
TEDxBKK - Curator/Organizer
Nettree ISP - Partner

proteus guy

Apr 21, 2011, 5:03:33 AM4/21/11
Awesome James! Thanx for doing this.
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