Saturday night meal

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Nick Burch

Mar 31, 2009, 7:04:17 AM3/31/09
to BarCamp Oxford
Hi All

For the meal on Saturday night, we've opted for Jamal's[1] in Jericho.
They seemed willing to cope with the un-conference nature of the meal,
in that we're not sure quite how many people will turn up and when...

So, if you'd like to join us for a meal on the Saturday night before
the conference, please turn up at Jamal's from 7.30pm. Around 9.30pm
we'll head to a nearby pub (exact one to be decided based on our
numbers and how busy it is, could be Gardeners Arms, or Jericho
Tavern, or the Victoria). If you just fancy the pub, drop into Jamal's
a little after 9 and we'll drag you along!


It's a short walk from the station, the bus station, and the
centre of town. Almost no parking though...

J-P Stacey

Mar 31, 2009, 9:43:39 AM3/31/09

Brilliant. I see that's on the wiki: I've just tweeted it too. Does
anyone here need us to confirm a pub beforehand, or can we just tweet
it on the night under #barcampoxford?


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Nick Burch <> wrote:
> For the meal on Saturday night, we've opted for Jamal's[1] in Jericho.
> They seemed willing to cope with the un-conference nature of the meal,
> in that we're not sure quite how many people will turn up and when...
> So, if you'd like to join us for a meal on the Saturday night before
> the conference, please turn up at Jamal's from 7.30pm. Around 9.30pm
> we'll head to a nearby pub (exact one to be decided based on our
> numbers and how busy it is, could be Gardeners Arms, or Jericho
> Tavern, or the Victoria). If you just fancy the pub, drop into Jamal's
> a little after 9 and we'll drag you along!

> [1]'s

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