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[barcampmalaysia] WordCamp Malaysia - 5% Discount for Barcampers

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Simon Lim

May 19, 2010, 10:27:07 AM5/19/10
to BarCamp Malaysia
Hi everyone,

WordCamp Malaysia 2010 marks the first WordCamp to ever be held in
Malaysia, it’s also the beginning of many more to come.

WordCamp focuses on everything WordPress. WordCamps are usually
informal, community-centric and a whole load of fun to be at. WordCamp
is for everyone with an interest in the WordPress platform.

Here are the details for WordCamp Malaysia.
Date: 22th May 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 8am – 5pm
Venue: Bintang Grand Ballroom, Cititel Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur.

The agenda of WordCamp is available at:

Among the highlights, Miss Naoko McCracken from Automattic (USA) will
be attending for WordCamp keynote and “SURPRISE” for everyone before
keynote. The only way to find out more is to ATTEND the first WordCamp
in Malaysia.

The price for WordCamp is as below:

RM 150 – We are maintaining our rates at RM150, thanks to our
RM 250 - At the door (but this is based on availability as we
unfortunately have to
cap the event at a maximum of 250 attendees, so please register online
to secure a
seat for the conference)

All barcamper will have 5% discount and here is the promotion code:

For registration, please proceed to:
where you would need to register, apply promotion code before check

Being WordCamp Malaysia attendees, you will entitle:

- Over 7 Hours of awesome content
- Great networking opportunities with like-minded individuals
- Buffet Lunch at the Hotel
- 2 Coffee Breaks
- Some WordPress Schwag all the way from San Francisco
- And some "mystery" gifts by sponsors (we will be notifying
everybody via twitter on what is going to be given out)

Participants who are based outside Kuala Lumpur and overseas, we have
created an accommodation page in our website for reference. Check

For more WordCamp Malaysia 2010 Updates:
- "Like" us on Facebook:
- Follow us on Twitter: | Hashtag: #wcmy
- and of course our website:

UPDATE (as of 19 May): We have more than 100 signs up and lots of
foreign participants from Singapore, Cambodia, Japan and USA too...

If u have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Look forward to see u in the very first WordCamp Malaysia..


Best Regards,
Simon Lim
Wordcamp Malaysia 2010 Organizer
Twitter - @simonlim88

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