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Friday Night unavailable

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Jackson Teoh

Jun 3, 2009, 11:11:28 AM6/3/09
to BarCamp Malaysia
Hey, guys!
Got some bad news to break off.
Unfortunately, people who come down on Friday night can't stay in the
college because the college does not want to take the risk of
security. But as for Saturday night, they are considering it. Anyways,
on the day of registration, please tick the "Sleepover" box.

That's all the news I guess.
Hope to see you guys there!

- Jackson Teoh

John Goh

Jun 3, 2009, 9:23:31 PM6/3/09
to Jackson Teoh,
Hi Jackson
I think it's better that we discourage anyone from staying at the college at all. We don't have the necessary resources to deal with the security issues that nmay arise from this. This is my advice to the group.
I wish you all a happy and fulfilling event.,
Once again, my sincere apologies in advance for not being able to join you all for Sat because of work commitment in the mainland.

I create my own Future when i work for it !

Warm regards
John Goh
MyPath Sdn Bhd
H: 012-4082084

Michael Teoh

Jun 3, 2009, 9:48:39 PM6/3/09
to John Goh, Jackson Teoh,
Dear John and everyone else concerned,

I would like to express my opinion regarding the matter. Alot of the KL BarCamp people will be traveling down to Penang for BarCamp, hence they would need a place to stay. I would highly not encourage you to discourage them from staying, as this is part of the BarCamp culture.

As for the resources, i was told by Jackson that a classroom has been arranged for them to stay or that they can stay at the open air area.

Also, i believe, in terms of security, we have people from the main committee in KL, that can provide so watch-out for us.

I am just afraid, if we discourage the BarCampers from staying, that would deter alot of people coming from KL to Penang.

Please advise. As far as i know, can representatives of the Student Government (INTIMA), stay there overnight as it would give them a great opportunity to network with the people of BarCamp in Malaysia and also they co-produced the event.

Michael Teoh

Michael Teoh

Jun 3, 2009, 11:03:08 PM6/3/09
to John Goh, Jackson Teoh,
Hello BarCampers!

Shout-outs to the ones from KL or Outside of Penang!

Just to confirm, for those who want to stay over on Saturday Night, you need to register yourself on Saturday morning for wanting to sleepover. The venue sponsor has security guards who would keep your details upon your one night stay.

So simply:
1) If you want to stay over on Saturday Night - YES You Can! Provided you let the organisers know that you are staying over.
2) Your personal details will all be given to the Security Guards of the venue for safety measures.
3) Depending on the number of people staying over, a air-conditioned room with carpet will be provided and determined by the Security of the college.
4) So, please LET US KNOW when you are there that you are sleeping over on Saturday.

As for those who are coming down on Friday and will be spending the night in Penang.
Please refer to the following affordable by comfortable hotels:
- Sri Malaysia
- Vistana
- B-Suites

All these hotels are located near to INTI College Penang, hence traveling will not be a nightmare. And also, take the Friday Night to explore Penang's night life @ Penang Road or Gurney Drive.

Looking forward to see you all there!

Jonathan Cheah

Jun 3, 2009, 11:34:58 PM6/3/09
to Michael Teoh, John Goh, Jackson Teoh,
I agree with Michael that "Camp" is the keyword of the event. 


From: Michael Teoh <>
To: John Goh <>
Cc: Jackson Teoh <>;
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 9:48:39 AM
Subject: [barcampmalaysia] Re: Friday Night unavailable

John Goh

Jun 4, 2009, 7:00:23 AM6/4/09
to Michael Teoh, Jackson Teoh,
Michael, as much as we welcome all our visitors from far and near, this is a better way of preventing any untoward incidents which we may not have any control. We are gathered for the main objectives of BarCamp therefore we should stay away from grey areas like accomodation which we have no control or interest in. Sorry, this is my professional opinion as your advisor and i do not want the Chairman or anybody in the commitee to be called up to the police station should any untoward incident were to happen during the night. Since nobody can guarantee this won't happen, therefore i'm strongly adving against accomodation on record.

I create my own Future when i work for it !

Warm regards
John Goh
MyPath Sdn Bhd
H: 012-4082084

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Michael Teoh <> wrote:


Iris Khoo

Jun 4, 2009, 9:04:49 AM6/4/09
to, michael teoh - barcamp,,
Hi John,
We understood there is a risk to take.
But we had camp in the previous Barcamps KL & JB and I believe the barcampers are trustworthy.
We are mostly the werewolves of the night as we play games (our popular games are WEREWOLVES and MAO ) and mingle around till almost dawn.
Moreover, Most of the hotels in penang are fully booked this weekend.
So its best if Barcamp Penang are able to provide accommodation on Saturday. :)
Thanks & Regards,
Iris Khoo


Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 19:00:23 +0800

Subject: [barcampmalaysia] Re: Friday Night unavailable

Jun 4, 2009, 9:22:41 AM6/4/09
to Iris Khoo,, michael teoh - barcamp,,
I agree with the folks. The previous Barcamps had participants staying back to mingle, play games and even share ideas aloud. No mishaps. No nothing...just plenty of fun and fantabulous results. Its all in the spirit of Barcamp as it is practiced around the world. So why should Penang be any different?

John, the participants are all responsible adults. Not a bunch of hooligans or rogues! Trust and believe that nothing untoward will happen:-)


Evelyn CA
Planco Warna 

Ikhwan Nazri Mohd Asran

Jun 4, 2009, 9:34:24 AM6/4/09
to Iris Khoo,, michael teoh - barcamp,,
Hi guys.

I'm not attending this barcamp because friends's matter. Regarding this matter of overstaying, I previously camping at INTI Subang. While I understand the risk that I took because I was sleeping inside with other barcampers, I still have some counter-measure to ensure the safety of my precious stuff, besides wallet and money, it's the laptop, where it's our daily tools of trade.

So what I've did is I've installed Kensington Lock to my laptop and sleep beside it. Laugh at me for become paranoid. I do. even I lock my laptops in cafes before going to toilet even i'm amidst in a meeting with client. Some countermeasure can be taken is

= sleep with your lappie below your head, or with it inside your backpack and hug it on top of your chest
= Lock the room where you've put all gadgets. The key's belong to only single-ultra-trustworthy guy or girl 
= If you believe putting in your car is much safer, then do it. Nonetheless, putting in the car still not safe because now this is thief 2.0. they have device to detect precious gadget in cars.
= university may have locker. rent it. or use that pay-per-use locker
= security/patrols over night within barcampers.

despite the barcamp committee have to ensure the safety of the gadgets, the barcampers should know that they camping at their risk too. Where every-counter measure may have been taken by the committee, the barcampers should ensure the safety of their gadgets too. 

this might worth 10 cents. good luck guys

Ikhwan Nazri ( tekong )

On Jun 4, 2009, at 9:04 PM, Iris Khoo wrote:

Melvin Chan

Jun 4, 2009, 10:45:08 AM6/4/09
to John Goh, Jackson Teoh,, Michael Teoh

Hi John,


Quite thoughtful of you on preventing untoward incidents. I am not anywhere near to become someone who can comment much on this but reading on, I had a few cents of thought:

1.       I believe these peeps are mature and old enough to be responsible towards their very own actions. And we’re not talking about anybody else but BarCampers! As everyone would have agreed with me, accommodation is hard to get by especially during this peak season where school holidays and public holiday (King’s birthday) come together – most hotels are fully booked. It would be very thoughtful if Penangites like yourself, John, can offer to host some of us in your place – or at least an effort to ensure there are proper lodging arrangement around for visitors from KL and other parts of the world. Instead of putting a no and thanks, why not giving us some constructive guidance on the possibilities that can happen?

2.       I think BarCampers have a good track record on behaving themselves throughout the previous Barcamps. I personally felt it was quite ridiculous on even, accusing these great peeps about being involved with police cases, which I seriously detest. I believe if you need a guarantee, many would step up to do that, I am sure.


So, I hope, a great advisor as yourself, John will be able to guide the young organizers to act in much compassion and effective in making sure this 1st BarCamp in a Northern state a great success.


Here, I wish everyone involved, all the best and looking forward to see all of you on Saturday.


Thanks and cheers!


Best regards,



TSCM Development & Delivery


Talent Edge Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (824457-K)

16-3, Jalan PJU 5/4, Dataran Sunway

Kota Damansara,

47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor


Mobile: +6016 2199484

Fax: +603 9010 4402


Skype: melvin.chanwh


ü Please consider the environmental impact of needlessly printing this e-mail.


From: [] On Behalf Of John Goh
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 7:00 PM
To: Michael Teoh
Cc: Jackson Teoh;
Subject: [barcampmalaysia] Re: Friday Night unavailable


Michael, as much as we welcome all our visitors from far and near, this is a better way of preventing any untoward incidents which we may not have any control. We are gathered for the main objectives of BarCamp therefore we should stay away from grey areas like accomodation which we have no control or interest in. Sorry, this is my professional opinion as your advisor and i do not want the Chairman or anybody in the commitee to be called up to the police station should any untoward incident were to happen during the night. Since nobody can guarantee this won't happen, therefore i'm strongly adving against accomodation on record.


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Michael Teoh

Jun 4, 2009, 9:46:39 AM6/4/09
to Ikhwan Nazri Mohd Asran, Iris Khoo,,,
Thank you everyone!

Though i may not be from the committee but we need to give the committee and John for raising this matter, and Ikhwan, your advice is truly valuable.

John, we have trusted BarCampers from KL who will be down there in INTI College Penang. I trust them and please be rest assured, we will ensure that BarCamp Penang runs smoothly.

The community feeling is really and it really touches me to see everyone from all the committees in KL and JB supporting Penang's implementation. Please be rest assured John and also thank you so much for the head-start.

We will look into the security issues when all the BarCampers meet on Saturday.

Michael Teoh

John Goh

Jun 4, 2009, 12:54:26 PM6/4/09
to Iris Khoo, michael teoh - barcamp,,
My dear fellow BarCampers
Please allow me to share my professional opinion as an advisor to BarCamp Penang. It always pays to be extra careful and vigilant. And if your collective camaderie is strong enough for all of our KL friends to stay overnight and be responsible adults, who am i to say otherwise?
And if my advice is taken constructively so that all who do stay are extra careful and be very responsible for all their actions, then i would have served this position very well.
As for Melvin's suggestion, i would gladly offer my humble home to him since he seems to be the only one from KL who needs a roof over his head. And if Melvin asks around, most people i know would say that i'm quite a generous person who is always willing to help out. I believe that this generosity of heart is very typical of most Penangnites. Somehow what i read here is that most of the Barcampers would rather prefer to stay together at INTI and play right thro the night.
So once again, my best wishes to all of you and have a happy BarCamp and thank you for the priviledge of sharing my thoughts with you all.

I create my own Future when i work for it !

Warm regards
John Goh
MyPath Sdn Bhd
H: 012-4082084

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Iris Khoo <> wrote:
Hi John,
We understood there is a risk to take.
But we had camp in the previous Barcamps KL & JB and I believe the barcampers are trustworthy.
We are mostly the werewolves of the night as we play games (our popular games are WEREWOLVES and MAO ) and mingle around till almost dawn.
Moreover, Most of the hotels in penang are fully booked this weekend.
So its best if Barcamp Penang are able to provide accommodation on Saturday. :)
Thanks & Regards,
Iris Khoo


Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 19:00:23 +0800

Subject: [barcampmalaysia] Re: Friday Night unavailable


Daniel Y.S. Tan

Jun 4, 2009, 1:26:08 PM6/4/09
to John Goh, Iris Khoo, michael teoh - barcamp,,

Haha..yes, very well said John, we look forward to meet you and am so glad you opened up your home for us KL barcampers to stay at your home and maybe you can even take us up on a brief tour or a food finding journey too while we visit your home state? Who knows what wonderful secrets we might learn of Penang as we discover more of Penang as we set foot there for some scrumptious delicacies around town?


With regards,

Cycle Diagram

Implemax Solutions (1714891-T)

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Daniel Y.S. Tan

Managing Consultant

Cell No: 012 379 1276

Qui dedit benificium taceat; narret qui accepit. "Let him who has done a good deed be silent; let him who has received it, tell it." 

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Melvin Chan

Jun 4, 2009, 7:57:12 PM6/4/09
to John Goh, Iris Khoo, michael teoh - barcamp,,

Hi John,


I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards your offer. It is definitely very kind of you to do so, and collectively Penangites. J In fact, I can’t agree much with you, that Penangites are wonderful and generous peeps! They have been very helpful in making sure our visit to Penang is a pleasant one. Therefore, I would like to pass on the invitation as they have already provided a “roof over my head” as soon as they know that I will not be able to stay in the institution itself.


Nevertheless, I would like to thank you, John for the generosity shown here. Looking forward to meet you during the BarCamp! Cheers.


Best regards,



TSCM Development & Delivery


Talent Edge Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (824457-K)

16-3, Jalan PJU 5/4, Dataran Sunway

Kota Damansara,

47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor


Mobile: +6016 2199484

Fax: +603 9010 4402


Skype: melvin.chanwh


ü Please consider the environmental impact of needlessly printing this e-mail.


From: [] On Behalf Of John Goh

Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 12:54 AM
To: Iris Khoo
Cc: michael teoh - barcamp;;


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