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BarCamp Penang Accomodation

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Jackson Teoh

Jun 3, 2009, 11:29:09 PM6/3/09
to BarCamp Malaysia
Hey, guys!
I've just got out of a discussion with my college DSA officer and she
said that the college can't provide Friday night stay. But for Friday,
you may want to consider these 3 places. They are pretty near to INTI.
It's up to you if you wanna rent a hotel room or apartment, but of
course, an apartment is cheaper.

Please refer to the following affordable by comfortable hotels/
- Sri Malaysia
- Vistana
- B-Suites

As for Saturday night, you can stay over in the college for FREE!

All you gotta do is come to BarCamp on saturday, then fill up the
registration form. The boxes on the registration form will be like
this: Name,I/C, H/P number, a "Sleeping over or not" box. Basically,
on that day when you register, just tick the box for "sleeping over"
and cross it for "not sleeping over" and later on that day, the DSA
officer will come and retrieve the list of names that are staying

Sorry for the incovenience so far, we are trying our best to get the
college to reduce their many certification processes.

- Jackson Teoh

Oh, yes, if there is anything, don't hesitate to call me up:
I will answer any questions that you may want to ask.


P/Sl FREE Stuff! Seriously, we got lots of free stuffs to give out:
- Limited edition BarCamp Penang cap (only 104 units in Malaysia!)
- Books "StreetSmart: Guide to Job Hunting" by
- Notepads and Pens by Exabytes
- E-books by Graduan
- Badges by G.E.W
First come, first serve basis...
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