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BarCamp Penang

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Iris Khoo

May 22, 2009, 11:54:33 PM5/22/09

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\barcamp penang logo copy.jpg


BarCamp Penang is pleased to extend an invitation to you to be one of our partner-sponsors for our 1st ever BarCamp Penang conference that will take place on the 6th and 7th of June 2009, from 10 a.m. to 6.00 p.m..

We would like to invite you to be the Official Main Supporting Partner for our event.

BarCamp is a conference, but also know as an unconference due to its flexibility and freedom in sharing knowledge, ideas, skills and strategies ranging from business to dance classes. BarCamp is unique due to its style of having conferences in many rooms at the same time. Each room will run their respective sessions, giving the opportunity for the audience to choose which topic interests them most.

More info on Barcamp Malaysia, kindly go to

We have already successfully organized 4 barcamps in Malaysia to-date, namely 3 in Kuala Lumpur and 1 in Johor Bahru, Johor. The response
for each barcamp has been overwhelming as it drew crowds from all over Malaysia and the SEA region including a few other foreigners from Europe and Australia.
Since the last barcamp in KL, we have successfully attracted over 500 participants with the power of social media and to anticipate that demand, we truly hope with your help, we can make it possible with a much bigger venue in this coming event. We are currently anticipating over 600 participants this time around in barcamp.

The presenter is given a time limit of 1 hour to share what he or she wishes to share to the audience. After an hour, the presenter has to give the opportunity to other presenters to share their knowledge with the audience. Plus, entry fees are free. Food (breakfast and lunch) will also be provided and limited edition BarCamp Penang t-shirts will also be given to the early birds.

Kindly refer the schedule at  
(P/S : currently the webpage still work in progress, you might not see the updates yet)

Do provide the followings:

- Title of your speech,
- Short Description of your speech
- Day & Time

to Jackson Teoh
email :  
h/p : 016-4354347

BarCamps all around Malaysia have been sustained by generous donors. Hence, due to their contributions towards our knowledge sharing conference, we, BarCamp Penang have decided to bring BarCamp to Penang, in appreciation to the community for their generous support (*Note*: We are still trying to build up enough money for the t-shirt, but if we do not have enough money to make the t-shirt, we might have to pull it out. Instead, the money will then be invested in getting food for the attendees)

At this moment, we are also approaching other generous organizations to sponsor for our event. All we are asking in terms of sponsorship from you is to provide us with some financial aid for the production of t-shirts, banner, food and other required things. Should this not be possible, we are open to other kinds of sponsorships as well.




Expected Cost




RM 50


Breakfast (150 people)

-         Bread, Coffee, Tea, Milo etc.


RM 750

(Still in negotiations, also looking for possible sponsors with test samples)


Lunch (150 people)


RM 1200

(Still in negotiations in looking for the best price)

*Note*: If the committee decides to let the shopkeepers sell food, this money will be put into t-shirt production or emergency purposes


T-Shirt (150 t-shirts)


RM 1500

(T-shirts are in low priority. Money will be first channeled to providing food, promotional material and also banner.)

Printing materials

RM 200

*Note*: Extra money from printing will be put into use of other things like food, t-shirt and such


We believe that with your assistance, more of our guests would love to know about your company and also the services your company provide. Should you agree to be the Official Main Supporting Partner, your logo will appear in promotional materials to be displayed in strategic places in Penang.

Benefits to Partner Sponsors:

1)      Your company’s logo will be displayed on BarCamp t-shirts.

2)      Your company’s logo will also be displayed on promotional materials.

3)      You company can display any standing banners during the event.

4)      Your company’s logo will be displayed in the BarCamp Penang website.

5)      The inclusion of your company’s logo or mention of name will be included in press releases, announcements (for example, radio, newspaper, etc.), and publicity related to BarCamp Penang event.

6)      By supporting BarCamp Penang, your company is playing an important role as an official partner and will help the community to gain more knowledge and share ideas and skills with one another through this project of BarCamp Penang.

7)      Personal invitation to the event.

If you would like to accept our invitation for you to become our Partner-Sponsor, please contact
Jackson Teoh on 016-4354347
as soon as possible as we will need to prepare all relevant materials for printing, internet websites, etc.
Preferably before 20th of May due to the tight deadline of the printing shop.

On another note, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you and your guest to join us on the event days as our personal guest.

On behalf of BarCamp Penang, we thank you for your time and generosity in considering our sponsorship invitation for the BarCamp Penang event. We look forward to working together with you to make our BarCamp a success.




Jackson Teoh,                                                                                    John Goh,

Chairman,                                                                                          Event Advisor,

BarCamp Penang,                                                                             BarCamp Penang,                                                



Thanks & Regards,
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