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Izhar Firdaus

Jul 10, 2009, 2:48:58 AM7/10/09
to 2009 is Malaysia’s premier Free and Open Source Software
(FOSS) event. 2009 is our second such conference, we aim for
this to be an annual event bringing together professionals and
enthusiasts from Malaysia, Singapore, Asia and the rest of the world
for a two day grassroots driven FOSS conference. is different from other events in that we focus only on FOSS
and that this conference is purely non-commercial. There will be no
marketing/sales talks by vendors (we are very strict on this!) so all
that is presented is FOSS goodness! Instead, vendors will be
encouraged to speak on the FOSS technical aspects of their
projects/tools. This approach works better as it benefits all through
knowledge sharing within the community.

We welcome and look forward to your participation in sharing knowledge
and encouraging fellow delegates to use and contribute towards Free

You may wish to talk at the conference. Or you may wish to run a side
session (such as a BoF). No worries! As long as your participation is
in the following areas, we will be happy to hear from you:

* Free Software technology and projects
* Open standards
* The community
* Education
* Open Source Businesses
* Licensing

Do note that we frown on marketing and proprietary software talks.

The CfP ends on 15th August 2009.

CfP Form :

For more details , visit the site at

We look forward for your submissions!.

Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail
Amano Hikaru 天野晃 「あまの ひかる」
Fedora Malaysia Contributor & Ambassador
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