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BAPHL has a wiki!

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Nathan Curtis

Feb 12, 2015, 3:07:25 PM2/12/15
Hey all,

No, I'm not writing to announce that BAPHL 11.5 has been pushed back to February 21 due to all the snowstorms. There never was a BAPHL 11.5. I don't know where you got that idea in your head. Honestly.

Instead, I wanted to let you know about a resource that Hubert set up for us. The BAPHL website now has a wiki. Visit to find out about plans for upcoming BAPHLs, and more. Much of the wiki is intended as a resource for future constructors to learn from previous constructing team's experiences. We currently have contributions from members of Phlogizote, Sons of Tamarkin, and For Immoral Use Only, and I would encourage other folks who have been on running teams to contribute as well. Hopefully aspiring constructors will find something useful in the wiki, and I wouldn't be surprised if the BAPHL community can find some other uses for the wiki as well.

-Nathan Curtis,
(For Immoral Use Only)
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