Guess what, BAPHL fans? BAPHL 16 is in the works! We're looking at October 8 as the date, and if that is subject to change we'll let you know as soon as possible.
Now, October 8 is just over two months away. In order to get everything done in that time frame, we are hoping to crowdsource some of the construction.
What does that mean? It means that we are looking for volunteers to write 1 puzzle each. We have a structure worked out, so we'll give you an answer and you'll have a month or so to write a puzzle for that answer. We'll handle testing, and work with you on editing.
People who want to solve in BAPHL 16 are still welcome to volunteer to write a puzzle. Our requirements are that no solver be involved in writing more than one puzzle, and no more than two solvers on any given team can write puzzles for BAPHL 16. If you are part of a conglomerate of teams, like Flogazither or the Central Services anagram teams, you can have more constructors, as long as they are split up appropriately for solving, and constructors of different puzzles do not share information ahead of time. Co-constructing is welcome, and encouraged if it makes it easier for you to write a puzzle.
We're also looking for a couple more people to join the core GC. Core GC will handle editing and testsolving of crowdsourced puzzles, write a few puzzles to hold the rest together, and take care of planning and logistics. Currently the core GC is Andrew Greene and myself. Contact me if you are interested in writing a puzzle or joining GC.
-Nathan Curtis