Ata Gurpinar
unread,Jan 17, 2018, 7:19:26 AM1/17/18Sign in to reply to author
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to BAPHL-announce
Attention, Boston-Area Puzzle Hunters!
Hope you all had a great Mystery Hunt! With BAPHL 17 coming in June, Ben Smith and I would like to jointly announce some other forthcoming BAPHLs
BAPHL 18 will be led by Baby Velociraptor Stands Trial For Their Crimes and is targeted for September 2018, before DASH.
BAPHL 19 will be run by Phlogazither (Phlogiston/Azote/Ether) and is targeted for October 2018, after DASH.
More details/updates to come as these dates get closer.
For non-Boston-Area people, your participation in the form of testsolvers will be solicited in the near future!