Increase Semen Production

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Apr 29, 2008, 4:52:12 AM4/29/08
to Baobab Volunteers
Increasing the volume of your semen is done mainly through two things,
taking herbal supplements such as amino acids, and the pc exercise
which is available in most natural enlargement programs. You can also
help the amount and quality of semen produced by eating certain foods.


The first substance that must become a regular part of your diet is
zinc. This trace mineral is instrumental in your overall well-being
and for the proper functioning of your body, not to mention the
production of testosterone and sperm.

To obtain the best possible positive effects, you should also include
in your diet foods such as chick peas, baked beans, raw oysters,
pumpkin seeds, peanut butter and Brazil nuts. These foods contain a
lot of zinc and they can boost your fertility tremendously. If you are
a very active man, from the sexual point of view, then you need even
more zinc than the average male because your depletion rate is higher.

Vitamin B6

The second substance is Vitamin B6. This vitamin is tied to the libido
for both men and women and the main features of B6 deficiency are
depression, lower libido and insomnia. The best foods for B6 are
breakfast cereals, baked potatoes, bananas, chicken, pork, trout, tuna
and spinach.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another substance linked to sex and reproduction. The
best sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, nuts, wheat germ and

Vitamin C

Last on the list is vitamin C. This amazing vitamin is one of the key
substances in our bodies and is involved in the production of tissues.
Studies have shown that testicles contain 10 to 50 times the quantity
of vitamin C found in the blood. Vitamin C is found in fruits and
vegetables, the best for this are citrus fruits, oranges, lemons,
grapefruits, and kiwi fruits are all high in vitamin C.

And after all that exercising and eating there’s nothing better than
putting your feet up and relaxing. That’s right, the third thing you
must do in order to maximize your sex life is to relax. Stress has a
huge negative impact on your sex drive and is likely to spoil

Suggested amino acids

L-Arginine (taken with L-Lysine, to prevent occasional skin problems)


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