Progress on the repository front

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Jeff Rafter

Nov 3, 2007, 10:38:51 AM11/3/07
Hey Volunteers

I have just returned from Malawi and wanted to report back. We got a lot of things done!

One of the most important things we finished was implementing git in a couple of the newer projects. Also, in one of the new projects we have finally started writing specs. Upping the culture of specs is something very high on the dev teams list. I think my goal for us is that they will be writing specs and stories for us to start filling in agains tht e existing code base. In this way the main dev team can lead us through how the system should work as they are some of the leading experts in the world on building a realtime patient care and treatment system.

There has also been a massive round of deployment for the system. This weekend Baobab will be migrating Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital to "BART" the new Rails-based Baobab Anti Retroviral Treatment system. This represents about 115,000 general patients and about 7000 ART patients-- which is huge. Part of my trip in Malawi was working on this data... and one of the most exciting parts was quickly spot checking BMI graphs!

While I was there I watched as the Baobab guys worked out issues on a couple of other hospitals and clinics, bringing the Dedza clinic fully online. It was pretty awesome to see them go!

Once the final migration is done at Queen Elizabeth's we should see a full move to git and we can all start pulling from each other and writing patches. More coming soon!

All the best,
Jeff Rafter


Nov 11, 2007, 10:43:17 AM11/11/07
to Baobab Volunteers
That's really great news. I am at Euruko right now (European Ruby
Conference) in Vienna, and there has been a bit of talk about the
Baobab project among the Ruby developers here. Some are expressing
interest in getting involved - we might see more people posting in the
next week or so.

Also, Geoffrey Grosenbach has a peepcode screencast up now on git.
There's even a free preview version of it; both are available at

take care,

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