Re: Digest for - 8 updates in 2 topics

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vaidya nathan

Feb 10, 2025, 4:08:42 AMFeb 10

Still  many retirees have faith in getting Updation of Pension Included in Residual Issue. Leave alone it will come to be settled.   Already settled by IBA and UBFU  Not To Open The Subject and Discuss.  I am happy atleast the Increase in DA are regularly included in Pension without  hindrance, on the Pretext of Increased Loss to Banks and Govt, which will affect the Present Employees future..

On Sat, Feb 8, 2025, 5:25 PM <> wrote:
Mathrubootham Sreenivasan <>: Feb 07 11:33AM

surely  this time we shall hear good news of pension updation  
On Friday, 7 February, 2025 at 04:02:59 pm IST, MOHAN P <> wrote:

'Resolution of residual issues pending with IBA' is one of the demands of employees unions to call for a strike of two days.
Strike may happen or may not.But leaders have kept the major long pending demand  of bank retirees 'Updation of Pension' under the residual issue .
Interestingly the same demand always find under residual issues after  past BPS/JN as a ritual!
Unless same issue is discussed  effectively with IBA how can it be resolved? 
On Fri, 7 Feb, 2025, 2:16 pm MOHAN P, <> wrote:
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Hans Raj Manuja <>: Feb 07 04:21PM +0530

Evidently the language of the UFBU circular shows that the demand of the
retirees is secondary !
Vvns Varaprasadrao <>: Feb 07 04:15PM +0530

Resolution of residual issues pending with IBA will find place only in
demands but will not come up for discussion.
This is to satisfy retirees to some extent.
Ramani Konnayar <>: Feb 07 06:12PM +0530

Residual issues are like the proverbial carrot dangled before the horse.
They will always be there to keep the horse hopeful but its mouth will
never reach the carrot.
premchand jaswal <>: Feb 07 07:01PM +0530

There is no detail of residual issues pending with IBA.It is only
presumption that residual issues include pension updation.Residual issues
must be mentioned in detail
Srinivasan Badri <>: Feb 08 03:24PM +0530

Updation of pension will find the last place of the Agenda. As usual it
will end with "subjudice:"
MOHAN P <>: Feb 08 04:21PM +0530

Mr Premchand Jaswal
Even as a pensioner, we too do not try to understand what is 'Residual
Issues', under 12 th BPS,signed by all unions and IBA on 8.3.2024,including
retirees issues especially Updation of Pension' ,despite forwarding the
copy of signed Minutes several times under this forum for information of
Sir,if you had gone through the same at least once, you should not have
written as:
"It is only presumption that residual issues include pension updation"
What is discussed here is on focussing on UPDATION OF PENSION ,the major
demand of all retirees in right spirit, instead of clubbing under ,Residual
If we do not know on our demands,at least,who will resolve the issue.
Pl.see below, the relevant part of Minutes to know whether it is
presumption or record.
T. SRINIVAS <>: Feb 07 10:29AM

The Members of UFBU please
Dear Comrade,
Your Ref:  Circular Number UBFU / 2025 /1 dated 7 - 2 - 2025                -  Demands=============================================
"  Namaskaar  ".  We seek  your best wishes.           
We request you to include Pension Updation,while taking up the matter with IBA / Government / Labour Department / Courts / UFBU  please.
Thanking you,
With kind regards,                                
T.  Srinivas ( Retired - PNB )
BLOCK 4 A……FLAT – 403,
CHENNAI – 600100.
Phone :  9 4 4 5 6   0 4 2 2 4   
Email  :                      
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