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Teaching adults how to cycle Cubbon Park session 9th June 24

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Ali Poonawala

Jun 12, 2024, 2:16:43 AM6/12/24
to Sharath Chandar, GGI-Club (Go Green Initiator's Club)
Hi friends 

Bangalore Bicycling School,
Cubbon Park Sunday 9 Jun 2024
Cool and breezy day today, with a good mix of newbies and seniors.
Trainers: Ali, Parag ,Junaid
Hello :1. Parag's uncle and aunt.
2. Arya
with parents Shalini and Prashant
3. Gayathri with Ashu
Newbies : 6
Arman - Star of the day, Started slowly with static balancing, but after that made great progress in scooting and even getting to pedaling.
JayaShree- Rutviks mom, she had cycled as a child, and made rapid progress from scooting to pedaling today in the first sesion itself.
Nishmita- Second star of the day, progressed all the way to pedaling in todays session, for a first timer that was great performance she would need to practice control and turining in the next week
Rutvik- Managed to do static balancing, but strugled a but with scooting. The balance is fine, but confidence to let the cycle go faster needs to be practiced.
Shloka - Youngest learner of the day, is able to scoot downhill, but tends to drop her left shoulder, once she corrects that, she should be able to scoot and ride properly.
Mallika : She is Guhan's grand aunt, and very sportingly accepted to try it out when asked. Managed to balance for fraction of a second while scooting..a very encouraging sign for a first timer !
Seniors: 9
Arjith: This little tiger did turning. Figure of '8' comes next !
Diwakar - Good progress in reducing the lurch, is ableto do circles.
Guhan: Able to ride straight up and down, but tends to stop if the speed is high.
Kevin- Continued with scooting initially and managed to get his balance, to immense pleasure of Mini, his mom... Pedalling is next
Kaval- Gunans mon , dod a few rounds, she is a pro rider now, and ready for Cubbon circular.
Mini- Continued with pedaling today, struggled with the uphill.
Rukmani :Continued on circles.
Shibashish- Doing circles fine now, and starting to [ractice ridijg one handed for signaling.
Vinay- Continued with turns and riding will be ready to move to signaling.
Kaaushik - continued scooting with help of his mom. would need to start to balance and pedal in the next session.
Keep pedalling!🚴
Parag / Ali /Junaid
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