Kids bums on the saddle at GKVK - Saturday Oct 22nd

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Jaikant Chandra Kumaran

Oct 21, 2011, 3:51:44 AM10/21/11
to Karthick Gururaj,
Updated the subject for the GKVK kids cycling meetup.

Venue: Ganesha Temple, GKVK
Date: 22nd Oct
Time: 7:45 am
Duration: Max 2 hrs. 30-45 minutes cycling

Carry water/snacks as needed.

PS: Currently 3 kids have signed up. More the kids more the fun for the kids :)

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 11:03 PM, Karthick Gururaj <> wrote:
Hey, much better.

Sarjapur going very strong! 13 kids + 2 more (second preference).
Abhinandan is the top scorer for Sarjapur with 5 kids! Mini forest JP
Nagar and GKVK share a distinct second place with 3 kids - but GKVK
has the distinction of moving fast and having already organized the

For Sarjapur, Oct 30th seems like a good choice - as Abhinandan has
indicated that would be the only date possible. 30th is also listed as
"possible dates" for 4 more kids. Considering there is still a week to
go, I bet those numbers are on the rise.

Still early days for JP Ngr, let us see how the number pan out over
the next couple of days? Oct 30th could still be an option for this as
well - going by preferences.

Not even a single entry for EC? C'mon!


On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Karthick Gururaj
<> wrote:
> Have I thrown a spanner in the works? This thread has gone cold.
> Only 7 entries so far! I was more thinking it would be about 30 - 40!
> I can't accept that no one is interested. You guys have been doing
> these events on a very regular basis - so if you have a different way
> of organizing, let us follow that instead.
> Anyways, this is just a poll - to get a fix on a good date. Please
> fill in your preferences in the link below. Since the coming weekend
> itself could be an option, hoping to see a good response by today.
> Keep pedalling,
> Karthick
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Karthick Gururaj
> <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just so that my earlier email didn't quietly slip through in this very
>> active thread...
>> Please fill in the details at:
>> Please note that, for the questions on age-group and skill level, you
>> need to select an option for every row. So if you need to fill the
>> details for (say) two kids, you have to select 'Not applicable' for
>> rows kid 2, kid 3 and kid 4. You'll otherwise get an error:
>> <quote>
>> * Required
>> Looks like you have a question or two that still needs to be filled out.
>> </unquote>
>> Yes, I know it is a pain :)
>> Cheers,
>> Karthick

biking conversations on the world famous "Bangalore Bikers Club" :)

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Oct 21, 2011, 4:40:05 AM10/21/11
to Bangalore Bikers Club
Jai, Karthick

am in Ecity and not sure how far is Gkvk (my guess its on the new
airport road)...

I would prefer the Sarjapur / Decathalon or the JP Nagar
event...apologies but not be able to make it..


Chidambaran Subramanian

Oct 21, 2011, 5:11:42 AM10/21/11
to Jaikant Chandra Kumaran, Karthick Gururaj,
Wish you guys all the best. Not possible for me to turn up , too far, my kids would get tired just getting there. Hope you get a good turnout though.


Ashwatha Matthur

Oct 21, 2011, 5:26:55 AM10/21/11
to Chidambaran Subramanian, Jaikant Chandra Kumaran, Karthick Gururaj,
I am out of town this weekend and won't make it. I and my daugher will be coming next weekend if there is a similar event at Sarjapur or elsewhere. 

Have fun!


Rohan Kini

Oct 21, 2011, 6:22:27 AM10/21/11
to Jaikant Chandra Kumaran, Karthick Gururaj,
Another friend with her batch of school kids (the friend who actually wanted this and how this whole thing got kicked off) is reaching there a lil earlier around 6:30am. Will be there and meet up with you guys too.

Should be fun.

Karthick Gururaj

Oct 21, 2011, 6:28:31 AM10/21/11
to Ashwatha Matthur, Chidambaran Subramanian, Jaikant Chandra Kumaran,
HVK, GKVK is on the way to the new airport, about 4.5 km after Hebbal
flyover. At about 1300 acres, I understand it is probably the largest
agricultural university campus in India, it is worth a visit (if not
this week, sometime later). It is quite popular with runners as well.
S. Bangalore has Lalbhag, N. Bangalore has GKVK :)

For Sarjapur, Oct 30th looks like a good date? Abhinandan - you want
to update others on where/when/how?

- Karthick

Karthick Gururaj

Oct 22, 2011, 4:16:30 AM10/22/11
to Rohan Kini, Jaikant Chandra Kumaran,
Had a fun time! Met Jai/Vijay and kids. Jai said it was a 2km circuit
that we took.. kids continued cycling later too. They didn't seem to
want to leave :) Got a few of the RFL folks interested as well.

Rohan, did you guys come to GKVK today? Guess we missed you by a few mins.

Meet again next week? Can sync up on Friday.


Jaikant Chandra Kumaran

Oct 22, 2011, 4:52:57 AM10/22/11
to Karthick Gururaj, Rohan Kini,
The kids loved it and it doubled their energies to cycle and run later :)

Anju our fav runner's photographer was there as well and she took pics of the kids. Will share them once she shares it.

I am game for next week. Will also join the SJP and JP Nagar kids cycling :)


PS: Also bumped into Shankar who was on his way to Hesarghatta and the kids and us reverse dropped him by our pace :)

suma rao

Oct 22, 2011, 10:21:40 AM10/22/11
to Bangalore Bikers Club

Was out of town and came late night yesterday. Checked this only
now.... Will get my daughter along next week.


On Oct 21, 8:51 am, Jaikant Chandra Kumaran <> wrote:
> Updated the subject for the GKVK kids cycling meetup.
> Venue: Ganesha Temple, GKVK
> Date: 22nd Oct
> Time: 7:45 am
> Duration: Max 2 hrs. 30-45 minutes cycling
> Carry water/snacks as needed.
> Jai
> PS: Currently 3 kids have signed up. More the kids more the fun for the kids
> :)
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 11:03 PM, Karthick Gururaj <
> >

Vijay Kumar

Oct 23, 2011, 5:16:07 PM10/23/11
to Jaikant Chandra Kumaran, Karthick Gururaj, Rohan Kini,
Hi Jai and Karthick,

It was nice meeting you guys yesterday.
I was surprised to see the energy in the kids grow by the minute even after they finished the ride and wanted to do more. Lets keep their cycling spirit growing. We will decide an catch up on their next ride soon :)



Oct 24, 2011, 8:40:15 AM10/24/11
to Bangalore Bikers Club
good to see this has started...

pls post on the next meeting...guess its at JP Nagar or

eagerly waiting to see the future kids on their cycles. We should
click some good snaps and publish them....

Jaikant Chandra Kumaran

Oct 24, 2011, 12:12:33 PM10/24/11
to Bangalore Bikers Club, Karthick Gururaj
Few photos from the kids cycling at GKVK are below:


Kishan Kumar

Oct 25, 2011, 9:58:11 AM10/25/11
to Jaikant Chandra Kumaran, Bangalore Bikers Club, Karthick Gururaj
Good pictures! Glad this got started.

Sent from my iPhone

Ashwatha Matthur

Oct 27, 2011, 8:11:05 AM10/27/11
to Kishan Kumar, Jaikant Chandra Kumaran, Bangalore Bikers Club, Karthick Gururaj
Great to see the pictures.

Do we have a kids' event this weekend as well (Sarjapura)?



Oct 27, 2011, 9:11:41 AM10/27/11
to Bangalore Bikers Club
To add to this.....weekend Fun event at Dthalon Sarjapura called as
"VITAL SPORTS – 29th & 30th Oct 2011", where you can indulge in sport
activities like – Trail Running, Archery, Cycling, Tent pitching,
catch a glimpse of American football, Martial arts and meet Ted Murray
for a Tennis workshop while exploring the store....

Could be a bonus for kids if we plan to this on 29th Sat...(Sun 30th
might be difficult due to GGI 3rd anniversary in the morning)

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