Hey, much better.
Sarjapur going very strong! 13 kids + 2 more (second preference).
Abhinandan is the top scorer for Sarjapur with 5 kids! Mini forest JP
Nagar and GKVK share a distinct second place with 3 kids - but GKVK
has the distinction of moving fast and having already organized the
For Sarjapur, Oct 30th seems like a good choice - as Abhinandan has
indicated that would be the only date possible. 30th is also listed as
"possible dates" for 4 more kids. Considering there is still a week to
go, I bet those numbers are on the rise.
Still early days for JP Ngr, let us see how the number pan out over
the next couple of days? Oct 30th could still be an option for this as
well - going by preferences.
Not even a single entry for EC? C'mon!
On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Karthick Gururaj
<karthick...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Have I thrown a spanner in the works? This thread has gone cold.
> Only 7 entries so far! I was more thinking it would be about 30 - 40!
> I can't accept that no one is interested. You guys have been doing
> these events on a very regular basis - so if you have a different way
> of organizing, let us follow that instead.
> Anyways, this is just a poll - to get a fix on a good date. Please
> fill in your preferences in the link below. Since the coming weekend
> itself could be an option, hoping to see a good response by today.
> Keep pedalling,
> Karthick
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Karthick Gururaj
> <karthick...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just so that my earlier email didn't quietly slip through in this very
>> active thread...
>> Please fill in the details at:
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGVLLUc0YktPdkQxYVpQWTdON2tIMXc6MQ
>> Please note that, for the questions on age-group and skill level, you
>> need to select an option for every row. So if you need to fill the
>> details for (say) two kids, you have to select 'Not applicable' for
>> rows kid 2, kid 3 and kid 4. You'll otherwise get an error:
>> <quote>
>> * Required
>> Looks like you have a question or two that still needs to be filled out.
>> </unquote>
>> Yes, I know it is a pain :)
>> Cheers,
>> Karthick
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For Sarjapur, Oct 30th looks like a good date? Abhinandan - you want
to update others on where/when/how?
- Karthick
Rohan, did you guys come to GKVK today? Guess we missed you by a few mins.
Meet again next week? Can sync up on Friday.