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Bandung Fe Institute

Dec 31, 2011, 6:39:29 AM12/31/11
to Bandung Fe Institute NEWSLETTER
December 31st 2011

01. New Year Speech of the President of Bandung Fe Institute
02. BFI is now available in Facebook and Twitter.

01. New Year Speech of the President of Bandung Fe Institute

"Dear friends, readers, colleagues, and competitors,
We are now facing the new year in our calendar as we have passed our
days in 2011. A lot of works have been presented in the year of 2011,
yet some of them are the preparations for the coming years ahead,

In the previous research year, we have some good steps related to
better understanding to see emotional aspects in Indonesian song
lyrics. The researchers in the institute has made some further steps
for better emotion-detection within cultural textual products in
Indonesian language by comprehensive data analysis based on Indonesian
standard lexicon.

The institute has also points out some new analytical works on the
social media, this year. The data mining and analytical modeling to
observe the data in Twitter, an emerging social media in Indonesia to
day, has been presented. This is a promising area of research to see
better perspective and detail of human interaction via public internet

The Dept. Cognitive Science of the institute has also set up a data
collection for the “moral politics” within Indonesian public. The work
can be accessed in This online survey model has also
given us some interesting pointers on how Indonesian people see things
beyond their ideological backgrounds. Throughout the data collection
in this work, we have seen how the moral of politics constitutes the
ideological perspectives among Indonesian. In the mean time, these
results would give very important and beneficial aspects in the
working Dept. of Computational Sociology of the institute, trying to
conclude some socio-political aspects of Indonesian people regarding
to the complexity of their backgrounds.

In the year of 2011, we have experienced some interesting works
regarding to the implementation of research on complexity sciences for
sharpening some public policies in Indonesia. Great deal of seminars
and public events were held by the institute. Well, some of the
events are actually the versions of the public sphere that belongs to
research works in the previous years. The works of our Head of
External Division, Rolan Dahlan has celebrated the good milestones of
the institute within the Indonesian public. The works related to the
data-collecting for complexity of Indonesian traditional culture seem
to ripe a great things within the next year .The Indonesian
Archipelago Cultural Initiatives (IACI) plans to launch the “Gerakan
Sejuta Data Budaya” ("The Million Cultural Data Movement), the
intensification of public enlargement for the public participation to
documenting and building the Indonesian cultural heritage open library
throughout the This should be an amazing
moments in the coming year ahead. The institute thanked some friends,
including the Presidential Staff of the Republic Indonesia, Mr. Andi
Arief, for this event ahead.

We also thank the information technology crews in The Invasa, led by
our colleagues Mr. Billy Franata, Mr. Vande Leonardo, Mr. Dadan
Suhandana, for their hard-working stimulants for the new “look and
feel” of the web-infrastructure of the This
would give us a good stimulant for betterment of research works in the
coming New Year. In a lot of sense, this should also give an
encouragement to the business implementation of the research related
to “Physics of Batik” as we may want to see in their website:
The enhancement of administration as now led by Ms. Shanty Diandini
should bring a good business expansion ahead!

Overall, it has been an exciting year we have passed in 2011, and
great expectation is in the incoming year of 2012, as it promises the
best year for research, for all of us!"
Happy New Year!

Hokky Situngkir

02. BFI is now available in Facebook and Twitter!
You can now be able to access and instantly receive any updates of
research by joining/liking the institute's official Facebook page


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