Quick enable Silent Mode

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Nokia Tips

Aug 17, 2020, 2:27:34 AM8/17/20
to banana...@googlegroups.com
Here i am going to tell you how to quick enable silent mode in Nokia 8110. Firstly you need to customise your shortcut menu to add vibration. Go to this link to know how to do it : 

After enabling vibration shortcut come back here.

So this is what we are going to get at last :

Long press # button = silent mode on

Long press # button, then switch on vibration shortcut = vibrate only mode

Long press * button = silent mode off

So let's start

1. Get a copy of the system.gaiamobile.org application's folder from the system:

adb pull /system/b2g/webapps/system.gaiamobile.org

Open the /js/sound_manager.js file in the application.zip using a text editor. Use a website like beautifier.io to read javascript in a more understandable format.

Search for "hash"

you will see this line :        window.addEventListener('holdhash', this);

add this new line below it :    window.addEventListener('holdstar', this);

4. continue the search

you will see this :                        case 'holdhash':

below it you will see this  :              this.toggleVibrate();

change this.toggleVibrate();  as this  :   this.enterSilentMode('notification');

5.now just copy lines from "case 'holdhash' :"  to "break;"

now paste those lines just below "break;"

it will be like this :   case 'holdhash':
                if (Service.query('getTopMostWindow').isHomescreen && Service.query('getTopMostUI').name === 'AppWindowManager' && document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'iframe') {

now change holdhash  to case 'holdstar':

change this.enterSilentMode('notification'); as this   :  this.leaveSilentMode('notification');

Check attached images if you have confusion.

6.Push the app and its folder on the data partition, exactly in /data/local/webapps using a temporary root access:

adb push system.gaiamobile.org /data/local/webapps

7. Get the webapps.json file:

adb pull /data/local/webapps/webapps.json

And change the value of the system.gaiamobile.org app

  • "basePath": "/system/b2g/webapps",

in this way

  • "basePath": "/data/local/webapps",
8.After this change push the webapps.json file in its place and reboot the phone:

adb push webapps.json /data/local/webapps/
adb reboot


Ivan Alex HC

Aug 20, 2020, 7:28:43 AM8/20/20
to comp.mobile.nokia.8110


Aug 20, 2020, 11:29:50 AM8/20/20
to comp.mobile.nokia.8110
Bro this mathord spd cpu jiophone suport or not suport

Plese tell me ivan bro

G Power

Aug 20, 2020, 11:54:16 AM8/20/20
to comp.mobile.nokia.8110
SD tech uncle you need to enable developer and AdB settings suport only then above marthod will work
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