How-to access to internal memory of Nokia 8110 with screen broken

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Aug 4, 2023, 9:55:43 AM8/4/23
Hello , unfortunately my loved  Nokia 8110 4G 'Banana' is half dead ....
It start-up , but the screen is totally black .
Since I don't see what I'm doing , I don't access to menu ...
My idea is to read the internal memory (with usb and PC) so as to recover the contacts and Whatsapp chats .
Is possible activate MTP mode without access to menu ?
For examples with a secret codes ?
Many Thanks

Freddie Honohan

Aug 11, 2023, 9:22:42 PM8/11/23
I also have a 2770 4g which starts up, goes passed kai + nokia screen but then screen blank. It does not register
on adb.

Tuan Dat Pham

Nov 19, 2023, 9:46:21 AM11/19/23
I think you could access it with adb.

Dne pátek 4. srpna 2023 v 15:55:43 UTC+2 uživatel Marcako napsal:


Dec 14, 2023, 2:02:05 AM12/14/23
Marco: Do you remember where you put the Settings app in your app list? If so: press the OK button to open the app list, use the D-Pad to navigate and open the Settings app, then press D-Pad Right 3 times for Storage tab, press D-Pad Down once and OK to open USB Storage, press D-Pad Up once and OK to turn it on.

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-14 at 13.35.02_43d67e94.jpg

Contact entries can be exported within the Contacts app as well: in the main screen of the app, press D-Pad Down once to exit the search bar, press RSK for Options menu, D-Pad Down 6 times and OK for Settings, D-Pad Down 7 times and OK for Export contacts, OK once more to export to SD card, D-Pad Down once to exit search bar, LSK to select all contacts, and finally RSK to export (demostration video can be found here on our Discord server).

If not, turn the phone on in EDL mode and flash Gerda Recovery. That way, you can use ADB in Recovery mode (adb pull /storage/...) to pull data from the phone's internal storage. Note that in either ways, you will have to accept losing WhatsApp messages as they are end-to-end encrypted.

[the person with unbootable 2720 Flip 4G]: I believe you've messed up the partitions badly that the phone now falls back to fastboot mode. You can restore the phone by using the EDL guide linked above to flash /boot and /system from a firmware backup.


Dec 14, 2023, 3:32:51 AM12/14/23
Thank you all !
I've been lucky , suddenly my Nokia's screen is resurrected !!!!
And  I was able to enable Usb Storage .....

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