Installing GerdaOS on Official India(v10.05 Latest)Handset

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Ashwin Prakash

May 29, 2019, 3:52:37 PM5/29/19
Hey guys,

Got myself a Nokia 8110(TA-1059) via the official route(Nokia Store) and it came with the V10.05 FW, which seems to be the latest FW available even after trying Software Updates several times.

I tried my best to install Gerda Recovery but I'm unable to temporarily enable Root Shell for some reason, guidance on this part would be helpful as I'm basically a Noob.

As for the System Installer, was able to install it over stock recovery and everything is working fine so far, the only noticeable Issue being phone heat up and battery drain, though have only used it after the install for a short while now.

Do educate me if I'm missing something, most users in India seem to have purchased the unofficial variant via Amazon(Hence the VOLTE issues on stock FW) so I was unable to find a thread to relate to, I might even be the first person to try Gerda on an official Indian phone.

Experts do educate me if I've missed anything. Thanks. :)


May 29, 2019, 11:16:53 PM5/29/19

We don't know really much about the indian Nokia 8110...
It's the same hardware as we have in europe - but the firmware is quite different.
(it's more a JioPhone than a Nokia)

-- the 'normal' firmwares even use a totally different version numbering than your's... so they seem not to be related.

It might be that your low-level firmwares/drvers are different too - which could explain your battery draining issues - but hard to say.
But at least your stock-recovery seems to use test-keys --> else you wouldn't be able to use the install-zip.

(with GerdaOS installed you now could easily install Gerda's recovery too - because Gerda is rooted...)

About the phone heat up: even with stock firmware you can feel it heating up on high load - that's quite normal for this device.
(but I checked the temp of my own device: even with thermal protection disabled it won't get critical - and on GerdaOS the protection defaults to enabled - so it shouldn't be a problem at all)

Ashwin Prakash

May 30, 2019, 12:05:44 AM5/30/19
Hi Speeduploop,

Thank you for the reply.

I own a JioPhone as well and the only similarity it has with the 8110 is the icon layout and bloatware, 8110 has more since it also includes a couple of pay-to-play games as well from Nokia's behalf. Other than that the phones are completely different, the 8110 being snappier and usable whereas the JioPhone would have you contemplating suicide if you were to use it for a week straight. :D

Yes, thank you for letting me know. I have installed the Gerda Recovery and re-installed the System Installer just so to go inline with the instructions, all is well. :)

Guess I'll test some more and post and update, Gerda has made this phone more usable and engaging than what Nokia could ever achieve.



May 30, 2019, 12:14:54 AM5/30/19
The usual Nokia 8110 comes with a quite different (from usual KaiOS) black&white icon-scheme and has KaiStore installed - while it seems that most indian 8110s have the JioStore... and the homescreen is different too.
But yes: the Nokia's chipset is quite fast - even snappier with cpu-tweaks (which GerdaOS provides also).
(but stock v16 + cpu-tweaks + swap is even snappier than GerdaOS...)

Ashwin Prakash

May 30, 2019, 1:55:26 AM5/30/19
Thank you for replying.

Yes, I missed to mention the KaiStore, having never used it as both phones didn't have it. I'm currently using the B-Store from the official page. Have seen a store called KaiUS on Ivan's phone in his video, but I'm unable to find the same on Google.

Any means by which I can get access to to "(stock v16 + cpu-tweaks + swap)", would I have to change recovery as well?

As for a report on GerdaOS, I had charged my phone to 100% and after 2 hours, with Mobile Hotspot being ON the last hour the phone's battery died. Battery backup sure seems to have taken a hit, the heating up is still there, even on a freshly booted up phone, it tends to heat up quite a bit when left idle. Not sure if 4G has anything to do with it, as I have 2 SIM cards inserted and one is a LTE only SIM(i.e Jio) and the other is a 2G sim.

Do share your thoughts.

Ashwin Prakash

May 30, 2019, 2:32:45 AM5/30/19
Out of curiosity I restored the stock 'modem.img' using the following in ADB after placing file in SD;

"dd if=/sdcard/modem.img of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/modem bs=2048"

Not sure if its a pseudo effect but after reboot the phone has considerably cooled down.


May 30, 2019, 2:37:50 AM5/30/19
There is no tested way to get your phone to 'stock-v16' -- because it's only 'stock' for the 'normal' 8110 and not the indian version.
-- you would need to flash a bunch of european images to your phone and most probably won't get any fota/auto updates...

At the moment you have a mixture of Jio-, stock- and GerdaOS files on your phone... this might explain why it's not perfectly optimized.
(but the system-installer from GerdaOS should install most of the relevant files/partitions)

GerdaOS is still based on v13 - so it might get better with it's next update...

About battery: mobile hotspot is more or less wo case --> WLAN and LTE active at the same time and additional routing/filtering workload for the cpu.
--> no wonder it drains the battery.


May 30, 2019, 2:42:17 AM5/30/19
That's quite possible...
The hardware 'should' be the same as the european version - but noone could check is in reality yet.
(and it might be region-specific too - so using the stock version provided for india probably isn't the worst idea)

Ashwin Prakash

May 30, 2019, 2:56:42 AM5/30/19
Yes, that did the trick!

Before it was getting crazy hot and after a bit phone would stop charging and then lights would flicker and the phone would die while still being connected to the charger.

Now she's running super cool and charging has resumed even while I'm using the phone to text on WhatsApp.

Guess we might be running on different network bands.

As for FW, since this workaround is doing well I'm hooked on GerdaOS and am eagerly waiting for when the v16 variant is out. Fingers crossed! :D

Also if possible do share details on how I can access the KaiUS/Kai Store as I'd like to test that out as well.

Ivan Alex HC

May 30, 2019, 3:07:08 AM5/30/19
hi, KaiUS was a good store and a great app...but is unmaintained. apps on it are obsolete and less than b-hackers or jbstore.
also update and upload the apps is easier for us on the existing stores.

only for this i have removed Kaius: unmaintained and obsolete things.

Ashwin Prakash

May 30, 2019, 3:17:49 AM5/30/19
Hi Ivan,

Thank you for bringing Gerda OS, Bananahackers was the reason I ordered the 8110 4G in the first place. :)

Will stick to the B-Hackers store for now, have installed all available apps.

BTW, I have got GerdaOS working on my Official Indian phone(Stock V10.05) by following the below steps;

1. Install GerdaOS Service Installer using Stock Recovery.
2. Install Gerda Recovery and modem.img(from stock dump)

So far everything seems to work and the heating issue has gone after I'd replaced the modem.img.

Hope this info helps other Indian users who're not aware of the phones potential once on GerdaOS.


Arindam Biswas

Jun 2, 2019, 11:02:23 AM6/2/19
Can confirm, installing Gerda OS and then flashing the original modem.img makes the phone run much cooler and the battery doesn't drain as fast in hotspot mode.

Ashwin, you want to make a guide or something for Indian users wanting to flash their 8110's?

Ashwin Prakash

Jun 2, 2019, 11:23:43 AM6/2/19
True, my phone go so hot that it stopped charging and light started flickering before dying even with the charger plugged in.

Now she runs fine and is cold to touch even as im typing this reply on my phone.

I presumed this thread would help indian users, if not we can put up a new one.

P.s. While typing at times the whole text gets cleared happens in WA as well.

jaipal guru

Jun 28, 2019, 12:58:55 AM6/28/19
Nokia 8110 homescreen port for jio phone


Jan 14, 2020, 12:20:18 AM1/14/20

Can you please share the modem.img.



Vishnu Prasaath S

Jan 27, 2020, 3:05:09 PM1/27/20
Hi chilliBYTE,

Here is the file u requested;

Vishnu Prasaath S

Jan 27, 2020, 3:07:49 PM1/27/20
Hi Ashwin

Thank you so much for your help. Yes my phone also got too hot and flashing the modem solved it. However my phone is currently in v13 with Gerda OS. Do you know how to update Nokia 8110 to v16???

Thank you,

Ivan Alex HC

Jan 27, 2020, 7:07:07 PM1/27/20
hi and thank you for the upload, I've shared that file on the guide of my website,, that is not only for GerdaOS, this can be useful also to understand how to flash the phone clean dumps for the global version of 8110 are available on the Nokia 8110 4G page

Sayantan Roychowdhury

Feb 6, 2020, 12:18:43 PM2/6/20
Hello. Can anyone tell if jio volte is working on Nokia 8110 on gerda os?


Apr 1, 2020, 4:35:03 PM4/1/20
I installed gerda os on my indian nokia 8110 which had software v10.05. VoLTE works for me without making any changes in the modem or anything. Also, my phone does not heat up or acts weird on the gedra modem. Its like the perfect software for me.
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