W2D: universal jailbreaking method for almost all current-gen KaiOS devices

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Sep 23, 2020, 5:21:42 AM9/23/20
to comp.mobile.nokia.8110
Hi everyone,

It's no secret, since the announcement on Twitter by me and on YouTube by Ivan, that @tbrrss had found, and I had confirmed its functionality in Web page context, probably the easiest and most versatile way of jailbreaking most existing KaiOS-based phones. We decided to call it W2D (web-to-dev) because it's based on the hidden but totally official (as confirmed by Fabrice, KaiOS architect) fact that MozActivity class is visible from the browser context.

How does it work? Well, it just calls a hidden activity in the settings app that opens the developer menu directly:

new MozActivity({name: "configure", data: {target: "device", section: "developer"}})

As for usage, it's very simple for most KaiOS phones:

1. Go to https://w2d.bananahackers.net from the phone's browser and click "Launch Developer menu".
2. Enable first ADB, then "ADB & DevTools" in the Debugger menu item. Check that the bug icon appears in the panel.
3. Ensure that ADB and WebIDE connection works, connect via WebIDE or gdeploy and install Wallace Toolbox version 0.0.5 or higher.
4. Select # key ("Enable developer menu") and reboot the phone when prompted.
5. After reboot, ensure that the Developer menu is still present in the Settings - Device and you can connect to the phone in privileged mode.


P.S. For Doro devices, all installation can currently only be done in FFBM mode because of the way ADB server is launched there.


Sep 23, 2020, 12:16:37 PM9/23/20
to comp.mobile.nokia.8110
Hi Luxferre, I was super excited to see this announcement in the morning, but not so excited now. Trying to do it on my carrier-unlocked but not rooted Alcatel A405DL (Go Flip 2) on KaiOs 2.5, I'm able to get into developers menu and select "ADB & DevTools". Bug icon appears. When I connect ADB and setup forwarding i can see it:

user@host ~/Documents/platform-tools $ adb forward --list
Z2LC13CLVKC00CZ tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket

However, Palemoon WebIDE can not connect on localhost:6000. (gdeploy simply doesn't work for me,  probably some dependency version mismatch).

If I try to list /data/local over the ADB shell I don't have the permissions

1|shell@gflip2:/ $ ls /data/local/                                             
opendir failed, Permission denied

For background, this phone is known to have no root and no WebIDE accessible, ADB only available in non-root mode when triggered by the *#*#debug#*#* code. I was hoping this method will enable WebIDE over ADB so I can side-load apps.

So any further guidance would be great!


Rk tech YouTube 2

Sep 26, 2020, 10:57:07 PM9/26/20
to comp.mobile.nokia.8110
Sir can you tell me how you made this website because i want to make this website because there is no hotspot in jio phone in india i want 
to make just like w2d website for Hotspot PLZZ tell me guide
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