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Trying to jalbreak Nokia 6300 4G (EU)

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Toin Toin

Oct 7, 2024, 3:08:02 AM10/7/24
I'm trying to root my newly buyed Nokia 6300 it doesn't work as expected.
I can use specal code *#*#debug#*#* to activate debug mode, but command adb root still returned "adbd cannot run as root in production builds".
Next, I patched root partiton, following this workaround.
Now, adb root command seems working, but adb shell is still in user mode (command lines begin with '$' in place of '#' and I can't push files in root partitions).
I'm forced to restart phone in recovery mode to get root acccess.

Also, I tried to remove some preinstalled apps but even with writing "removable": true in /data/local/webapps/webapps.json, but I still can't uninstall undesirable apps. I only managed to hide them with AppBuster.

Could you please help me to finalize jailbreaking this device ?
Thanks a lot.

$ adb shell
shell@Nokia 6300 4G:/ $ exit
$ adb root
restarting adbd as root
$ adb shell
shell@Nokia 6300 4G:/ $ getprop
shell@Nokia 6300 4G:/ $ getprop ro.debuggable
shell@Nokia 6300 4G:/ $


Nov 7, 2024, 10:46:00 PM11/7/24
I mentioned this in the last part of the guide: once you've rooted the phone, if you want to sideload apps like Wallace Toolbox (to grant yourself root access in ADB shell, or completely remove pre-installed apps off /userdata), open Device Preferences under the right sidebar of WebIDE, search for devtools.apps.forbidden-permissions and clear the key. Reboot the phone or do a Deep Memory Cleaning afterwards, then sideload Wallace Toolbox as per usual.

Tip: back up your data, sideload OmniSD or CrossTweak, and do a privileged factory reset. You'll be able to put back the original boot partition while maintaining full access to the phone.
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