I'm trying to root my newly buyed Nokia 6300 it doesn't work as expected.
I can use specal code *#*#debug#*#* to activate debug mode, but command adb root still returned "adbd cannot run as root in production builds".
Now, adb root command seems working, but adb shell is still in user mode (command lines begin with '$' in place of '#' and I can't push files in root partitions).
I'm forced to restart phone in recovery mode to get root acccess.
Also, I tried to remove some preinstalled apps but even with writing "removable": true in /data/local/webapps/webapps.json, but I still can't uninstall undesirable apps. I only managed to hide them with AppBuster.
Could you please help me to finalize jailbreaking this device ?
Thanks a lot.
$ adb shell
shell@Nokia 6300 4G:/ $ exit
$ adb root
restarting adbd as root
$ adb shell
shell@Nokia 6300 4G:/ $ getprop ro.secure
shell@Nokia 6300 4G:/ $ getprop ro.debuggable
shell@Nokia 6300 4G:/ $