Got this device: TCL Flip 2, model T408DL, KaiOS 3?
From my research, it seems that everyone say KaiOS 3 is impossible to enter debug mode, BUT, I was able to.
To enter debug mode, on phone, dial:
33284=debug on the numpad
This method does not work for TCL Flip 2: On phone notifications, click on "USB debugging connected", it say "Enable developer options first". I do not know how to do that. I think this is preventing WebIDE below from connecting to it? "Download SDK Platform-Tools for Windows"
Unzip the file. Open CMD, go to that folder.
Connect phone to PC
In CMD Run:
adb devices
It will say "Daemon not running: starting now at tcp:5037".
On phone, there will be a pop up asking you to allow USB connection.
cmd show it can see the phone.
I am ABLE to see the device using FirefoxPortable_84.0.2_English.paf.
After opening, go to "Web Developer" -> "Remote Debugging". Then click "Enable USB Devices".
You can then see the TCL device, but it show "Waiting for browser", and just stuck there.
I tried connecting with localhost:6000 or 5037, but cannot connect.
Question on the remote connection from firefox. If I want to connect, do I need to run:
adb forward tcp:5037 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket
If I run that, adb gave me error. Online example tend to show port 6000, is that b/c their daemon is running on 6000? Mine started at 5037, so I used 5037.