Disabling Nokia 2720 Flip Startup Tone

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Michael C

Feb 25, 2024, 9:58:04 AMFeb 25
to comp.mobile.nokia.8110
Good morning Folks!

I've been tasked with disabling the Startup Tone on my mom's beloved Nokia 2720.  Seemed like a simple task:  Just replace the startup tone with a blank tone.  However, I'm finding successful connection to this device a little bit cumbersome.  I've attempted connection via adb using the instructions over at BananaHackers:  (https://sites.google.com/view/bananahackers/customizations/startup-sound) and I even used their Universal Jailbreak to access the developer menu (https://w2d.bananahackers.net/).  I choose to enable both ADB and Developer Options on the phone's menu.  My Windows 11 pc detects the phone, but ADB reports the device as connected but "unauthorized".   The phone is a Nokia 2720 V Flip running KaiOS 2.5.4.  I've read that KaiOS updates may disable rooting, but, does the simple replacement of the startup sound require rooting?

Thanks all for your guidance!

Tuan Dat Pham

Feb 28, 2024, 3:09:39 PMFeb 28
to comp.mobile.nokia.8110
yes it does

Dne neděle 25. února 2024 v 15:58:04 UTC+1 uživatel noexi...@gmail.com napsal:


Feb 29, 2024, 12:07:35 PMFeb 29
to comp.mobile.nokia.8110
As far as I'm concerned the 2720 V Flip does not allow debugging and/or rooting, so removing the startup tune with software tricks is not yet possible on this phone I'm afraid. I know the Nokia tune on this phone is quite loud, but you can dampen the sound by using a finger to cover the speaker on the back.
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