Small changes on Gaia Music app(default Nokia 8110 4G Music app)

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David Sambucci

Mar 22, 2020, 2:10:27 PM3/22/20
Hi, I've modified the default Music application ( to solve an annoying problem when there are a lot of songs in the phone and I would like to share the change along with the modified version of the app.

Mostly currently the app freezes for quite a lot of time when a search is done and there are a lot of results for that search.
The problem is that each time a new letter is added in the search box a new search is done, so it's not currently possible to search for let's say "blue" without before search for "b" then "bl" then "blu" and finally "blue", and this is annoying cause when there are a lot of songs on the phone, the results of the first 2 or 3 searches can be a lot and so literally freeze the app for a lot of time.

The small change that I've done is that a search is started just when there are more that 3 letters on the search box, so the results of the search are much much less.
Then I've made the character # to be ignored in the search, so if we want intentionally to search for "b" being aware that it will take some time we can write "b##".

I've done this some weeks ago and today searching for other things on the forum I've seen that there are other users that are experiencing the same problem so I've decided to share the mod.

Here a link for the new version of the app: Link
The app is packaged for OmniSD,
the app is an internal (certified) app so I'm not sure with king of privileges are required to install it (I've installed it with firefox Web IDE),
the name of the app is "Music mod" and I've changed the title for the English and Italian languages,
the app will not substitute the current "Music" app but it will appear as a completely new and separated app.

Would be nice if it was possible to add it to the B-Hackers store but I'm not sure if the app is well packaged for omniSD and if the internal apps can be on the store, also I don't know how to request for the addition to the store

any tip, comment or question is appreciated, and I hope will be useful to someone
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