i tested banana EDL method for Nokia 800 Though KaiOS (update, October 2021).
Tutorial for newbie - telephone Nokia 800 Though KaiOS (update, October 2021):
Use this tutorial if your phone has the update: KaiOS (update, October 2021)
and step 6 not working (You get error: Operation Failed: Connecting to remote runtime)
in Palemoon-Portable -> Web Developer -> WebIDE, despite using the command: adb forward tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket (for connection fix))
Note: the guide was prepared for KaiOS - I cannot guarantee operation on subsequent updates.
Keep an eye on the official information from banana:
1. Read first this and create EDL working environment for Windows (in article go to: EDL on Windows):
HINT 1: important links:
; Python (for Windows 7 x64 i recommend Python 3.8)
; EDL package with drivers for Windows - driver for Windows is in Drivers/Qualcomm_Diag_QD_Loader_2016_driver.exe:
; Nokia 800 Though loader (copy 800t.mbn to edl directory)
; Zadiq app for replace driver
HINT 2: Nokia 800 Though turn ON/OFF EDL mode:
Power Off Nokia 800 Though
EDL mode ON:
press and hold joystick DOWN + joystick UP and connect USB cable to telephone
press and hold power button 10s and disconnect USB cable
2. If you perform the first step correctly - the following command must work in CMD.exe on Windows for connected Nokia 800 Though in EDL mode:
; CMD.exe command: listing Nokia 800 Though partitions
py edl.py -loader 800t.mbn -printgpt
3. Create boot.img from your BOOT partition
; CMD.exe command: create boot.img from BOOT partition
py edl.py -loader 800t.mbn -r boot boot.img
4. You must patch (unlock) boot.img in UNIX (actually no have solution for Windows) by this tools:
(I can upload my modified boot.img, but I'm not sure if the file is identical for every Nokia 800 Though.)
5. If you have successfully completed step 4:
; CMD.exe command: write boot.img (patched in step 4)
py edl.py -loader 800t.mbn -w boot boot.img
;... and restart your telephone after successfuly
py edl.py -loader 800t.mbn -reset
6. CONGRATULATIONS - your Nokia 800 Though (KaiOS is now unlocked - you can re-use the old method:
*#*#372733#*#* (for enable debug mode)
adb forward tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket (for connection fix)
Palemoon-Portable -> Web Developer -> WebIDE
I hope that my guide has made the preparation of the Nokia 800 Though phone easier to understand.
Would anybody with the knowledge of how to do it be able to explain it to me in layman's terms? If not, then I have no clue what to do. Anyway, is it even possible? (Like with Firmware editing or something)?