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Nokia 8110 4G dualsim - GerdaOS recovery complaining about signature

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Stefan Nissens

Nov 7, 2019, 9:29:30 AM11/7/19
I would like to share my story of trying to install GerdaOS, and maybe direct your attention to some issues on websites.

I bought a new, non-branded (that is, not from operator) 8110 last winter but now decided it's time to do something with it, as KaiOS was terrible and, most of all, I had continuous problems with keys skipping letters (rather software than hardware problem).

After factory reset I tried to gain root using website vulnerability on (I had OS version 12.00.70 or something), but without success.
Clicking on button and links simply does nothing, no error message or whatever. Maybe someone checks that?

I upgraded to latest version (16.00.70) - root via Wallace Lite worked for me. Normal Wallace keeps giving me NoModificationAllowedError, no matter if I delete temp file or not.
Made backups, copied recovery-8110 and Gerda image to SD.... and while I tried to install, I got error about file signature. Sigh. I had this many, many times before when rooting various smartphones.
Normally people say "install CWM", but that's not an option here, as far as I know.

Now I'm sure I copied the official recovery-8110. If I open /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/ on Nokia, the recovery file is a symlink to /dev/mmcblk0p27 (in my case). Checking /dev/mmcblk..... files, no. 27 is the only one with current date of modification, all the rest having something like 01-01-1971 (sorry for not posting screenshots, I'm writing this at work). That's how I know the file got copied properly.

Complaining about signature error is typical of stock recovery mode. Now, how do I know that I really installed Gerda recovery? It still says "KaiOS" on the top, and there is no pics or any info on GerdaOS page that could help me.
From filesystem point of view, everything looks fine too. Modification date and file size matches what I put there, to the last byte.

Maybe someone can help, my fellow bananahackers?

Patrick Hervieux

Nov 7, 2019, 10:49:18 AM11/7/19

To be sure if Gerda Recovery is installed, you have to start on
recovery. Easiest way is to use `adb reboot recovery`. Then you'll see
written in green `GerdaOS Recovery`.

On 07.11.19 15:29, Stefan Nissens wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to share my story of trying to install GerdaOS, and maybe
> direct your attention to some issues on websites.
> I bought a new, non-branded (that is, not from operator) 8110 last
> winter but now decided it's time to do something with it, as KaiOS was
> terrible and, most of all, I had continuous problems with keys
> skipping letters (rather software than hardware problem).
> After factory reset I tried to gain root using website vulnerability
> on (I had OS version 12.00.70 or something), but without
> success.
> Clicking on button and links simply does nothing, no error message or
> whatever. Maybe someone checks that?
> I upgraded to latest version (16.00.70) - *root via Wallace Lite
> worked for me*. Normal Wallace keeps giving me
> NoModificationAllowedError, no matter if I delete temp file or not.
> Made backups, copied recovery-8110 and Gerda image to SD.... and while
> I tried to install, I got error about file signature. Sigh. I had this
> many, many times before when rooting various smartphones.
> Normally people say "install CWM", but that's not an option here, as
> far as I know.
> Now I'm sure I copied the official recovery-8110. If I
> open /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/on Nokia, the recovery file is a
> symlink to/dev/mmcblk0p27 (in my case). Checking /dev/mmcblk.....
> files, no. 27 is the only one with current date of modification, all
> the rest having something like 01-01-1971 (sorry for not posting
> screenshots, I'm writing this at work). That's how I know the file got
> copied properly.
> Complaining about signature error is typical of stock recovery mode.
> Now, how do I know that I *really* installed Gerda recovery? It still
> says "KaiOS" on the top, and there is no pics or any info on GerdaOS
> page that could help me.
> From filesystem point of view, everything looks fine too. Modification
> date and file size matches what I put there, to the last byte.
> Maybe someone can help, my fellow bananahackers?
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Ivan Alex HC

Nov 7, 2019, 11:11:22 AM11/7/19

Stefan Nissens

Nov 8, 2019, 8:42:11 AM11/8/19
Thanks! I had no idea this site exists. Maybe it would be a good idea to add a link to it on, in case someone goes into trouble similar to mine?
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