One of the most unfortunate things about this great recession is that so many people blame themselves for what’s happened. In fact, the forces responsible for it are like slow moving tectonic plates, much too big to comprehend.
Here’s a brief video that documents the nature of modern transpacific shipping:
Meanwhile, schools think that if only little Johnny could read better, we could get our economy back. Others think that some new miracle technology will come along and save us. Transit people think that more trains are going to make a huge difference. And there are those who think we should try legalizing gambling, drugs, or prostitution to some degree, and that will stimulate the economy. I’m not so sure about that. As Einstein once said, weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. Sounds like a slippery slope to me.
The fact is, our whole society is out of whack. The fact is, Clinton and Bush sold us a bill of goods on the trade issue and it’s not getting any better. I know this is somewhat controversial. I just thought I’d toss it out.
Hey guys, please try to relate this stuff to specific Baltimore issues.A major part of Baltimore's economy is based on world trade. There are winners and losers, but Baltimore should be one of the winners.