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The Most Interesting Man in Baltimore

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Nov 4, 2010, 12:27:32 AM11/4/10
to BALTOmorrow
I've heard the MTA is in the process of a new advertising campaign for
the Baltimore Metro. I've managed to get a glimpse at the concept
write-up for the commercial. The script hasn't been quite finalized.
It seems they've had a bit of change of heart with their appreciation:

(Pans and scrolls of vintage footage in a montage of urban scenes of
NYC and Baltimore, or other northeastern city showing man in a
taxicab, bike, or transit vehicle.)

VO: He once rode every bus line in the City, just to see what it was

VO: He once finished a cab run, before he even started.

VO: Whatever the MTA's plans for new rail transit, HIS plans are
always better.

VO: He is, the most interesting man in Baltimore.

CLOSE-UP Ed Cohen in front of Metro Subway doors.

Ed Cohen: I don't always ride transit, but when I do, I prefer Metro

CUTAWAY to moving Metro train.

Ed Cohen (V.O.): Ride quickly, my friends.

Gerald Neily

Nov 4, 2010, 7:22:33 AM11/4/10
I'll raise a Dos Equis to THAT !!!!!!!!!

On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 12:11 AM, Nate <> wrote:
I've heard the MTA is in the process of a new advertising campaign for
the Baltimore Metro. I've managed to get a glimpse at the concept
write-up for the commercial. The script hasn't been quite finalized.
It seems they've had a bit of change of heart with their appreciation:

(Pans and scrolls of vintage footage in a montage of urban scenes of
NYC and Baltimore, or other northeastern city showing man in a
taxicab, bike, or transit vehicle.)

VO: He once rode every bus line in the City, just to see what it was

VO: He once finished a cab run, before he even started.

VO: Whatever, the MTA's plans for new rail transit, HIS plans are

always better.

VO: He is, the most interesting man in Baltimore.

CLOSE-UP Ed Cohen in front of Metro Subway doors.

Ed Cohen: I don't always ride transit, but when I do, I prefer Metro

CUTAWAY to moving Metro train.

Ed Cohen (V.O.): Ride quickly, my friends.

Youssef Mahmoud

Nov 4, 2010, 8:52:09 AM11/4/10
He must only frequent very select parts of the city.
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