Important meeting: Wednesday @ 7pm in 113 W North Ave. [Everyone welcome!]

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Jon Lesser

Jul 12, 2009, 3:40:30 AM7/12/09
to baltimore-hackerspace-planning,
Hey Folks,

The next organizational meeting will be on Wednesday, July 15th, at
7pm in 113 W North Ave. (The same room in the MICA building where the
Ambient Orb workshop was held). The reason for having it at 113 W
North Ave is that we are trying to schedule another walk through of
the Load of Fun space at 6:00pm, which is directly across the street.
The second walk through is for anyone who didn't get a chance to see
the space the first time around or anyone who wants a second look.
I'll email out Monday evening if the walk through is a go, but
regardless, we will have a meeting in 113 W North Ave at 7pm.

There are a few things to talk about at this meeting, but the most
important issue is whether or not to lease the Load of Fun space
( If there
are enough people willing to commit financially to Load of Fun to
cover monthly operating expenses (~$800), we'll fill out some
paperwork, make some banking arrangements, double check our solvency,
and set up shop! Otherwise we'll cut it loose, move on to other
spaces, and continue to build interest in the Node through workshops
and events around Baltimore.

There is a core of people ready to make a move on this space, but we
can't do so without broader support. If you're interested in becoming
a member of the Node and you think the Load of Fun space is a good
place to start up, come to this meeting. If you can't make this time,
but you'd like to support the Load of Fun space through your
membership dues, contact me directly. No one needs to bring any money
to this meeting, as we're just looking for strong commitments at this
point. We will, of course, ensure that we have sufficient monies in a
Node bank account before signing any leases.

We can email and edit the wiki all day, but from time to time we need
meetings like this to gauge financial commitment and see if we're
ready to move on a lease.


ps. I know security at the MICA building was a pain at the Workshop.
We will try our best to make the process smoother and more efficient
this time around.


Erich Steiger

Jul 13, 2009, 11:39:57 AM7/13/09
to baltimore-hackerspace-planning
I will be there, but need to leave by 8pm for a Freeschool workshop.

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