Baltimore Node on Mario Armstrong's digital cafe.

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Adam D Bachman

Jul 13, 2009, 6:18:11 PM7/13/09

Got an email out of the blue on Friday from the producer of WYPR's Digital Cafe (@internetsong), a show that runs on 88.1 FM WYPR, Tuesday evenings at 5:30PM. He's friends with Boson, who was at the ambient orb workshop, and was apparently impressed enough with what Boson told him about the group that he reached out. This is a very good sign.

I sorted some stuff out with Song over the weekend and I'll be going in this afternoon to talk with Mario for a few minutes (4 min, 30 sec, to be precise) about the Node. I talked with a few folks from the interim board and we debated pushing this off until after Wednesday ("The Vote"), but we've got the chance, so why not take it.

Tell your friends, tell your grandparents. I'll be chatting about what it is we're doing and why. I've got notes from our first organizational meeting and this mailing list, so I plan to represent across our spectrum (Patrick's and Kelly's "What Node means to me" stick out, would be good to hear more along those lines). If we keep pushing on space, workshops, and projects; and keep pulling people together to get stuff done in Baltimore, I imagine this won't be the last time we get to talk about what we're doing to a broader audience.

Once the interview is recorded and broadcast, we'll have a podcast link we can hand out. Also, does anybody have the experience to help put a "Donate" box, maybe paypal or something, up on the site? If you've got experience with this, hit me up here on the list or at

- Adam

Jon Lesser

Jul 13, 2009, 6:30:02 PM7/13/09
This sounds awesome. I wasn't expecting any press before we had a
space. I will set up a Paypal account for donations and send you the
embed snippet for the button. I think we can get the total raised to
show as well, that should help with transparency.


Mark Huson

Jul 13, 2009, 6:37:59 PM7/13/09
I sent adam a donate button using the google checkout account i used for the workshop. Having a paypal one wouldn't hurt either though.

Patrick Roanhouse - Plan8

Jul 13, 2009, 6:38:10 PM7/13/09

Do you have Mario's email directly. If not I can ask him if it is ok to pass it on to you.


Jon Lesser

Jul 13, 2009, 7:33:28 PM7/13/09
I'm fine with just having the google checkout button.


David Powell

Jul 13, 2009, 7:34:43 PM7/13/09
That is awesome news for you guys. I'm sure it's not the most popular
radio show in the area but it's a start. You should send out an e-mail
an hour before to remind everyone to tune in.

Also, I would suggest that you plug the website
if you have the chance. I'm not sure how far the show is transmitted
but just in case somone is outside of Baltimore and could potentially
join HacDC or Harford Hackerspace.

David Powell

Jul 13, 2009, 7:35:10 PM7/13/09
Oh, and if you can you should get a recording of it to put up on your
site and to share with other hackerspaces.

Adam D Bachman

Jul 14, 2009, 12:21:46 AM7/14/09
Crazy. I got to meet Bob White (yes, *the* Bob White, squeeee!). Also, Mario said the show is scheduled to air the 21st, so barring changes on their end it'll play 5:30 PM, Tuesday, July 21 on WYPR and whoever their affiliates are. Local, but should hit a few thousand rush hour radios. And I'm totally going to forward the podcast to my family, so that's like three more that'll be in on it.

Thanks for the good words, unfortunately I was offline for everything after Patrick's note and missed a shoutout. It's two out of the top three results for "hackerspaces", though, so they've already got the Google mojo. Kelly, on your note about the space, I did drop "Load of Fun" in there, but I prefaced with "*I'm* hoping we'll be able to sign a lease this week..." which will be strange enough airing the week after I said it that they may cut it out. meh.

Most of the interview went by in a flash, I won't be able to vouch for what I said until we hear it :) It was all very conversational, so while I swear I had my notes sitting on the table right in front of me, it was off the cuff. I managed to correct him the second time he referred to me as "the founder of Baltimore Node", but the first one may slip through. There was also a slightly awkward moment during recording (which lasted all of seven minutes) where he said, "This is so great, and it's all free!" and I kinda had to back up and explain a little. Might've been a bit of miscommunication :)

His advice on the way out was to "keep telling your story. You've got a good one." and he's right. We'll keep talking, and as long as we also keep *doing*, we'll find that people want to listen.

- Adam
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