BSB exchange material drafts

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Katariina Nyman

Dec 2, 2008, 3:38:15 AM12/2/08
Hi everybody!
Since it's already December and we're soon gonna be in a hurry with this, I quickly modified the old Application form and the Guide to BSB exchange to suit for next year. The drafts can be found at our googlegroup under the page Baltech Exchange Material.

Would you please go check them out and make modifications if needed. If there's something bigger you would like to change, let's talk about it here on the list. I didn't make any big changes, just updates and clarifications.

We are already late with this so let's agree on the material quickly and proceed to putting the contact information on the web site. Also the reports should be sent to Goda as soon as possible.

Could you all reply to this email so that we see that everybody's getting it. Please at the same time confirm the participation of your student union in BSB Exchange 2009. By this I mean that you will promote and support your guilds if they wish to take part.

Best regards,

Katariina Nyman
Hallituksen jäsen, kansainväliset asiat
Teknillisen korkeakoulun ylioppilaskunta
09 468 3275 | 050 375 2212 |

Member of Executive Board, International Affairs
Student Union of Helsinki University of Technology
+358 9 468 3275 | +358 50 375 2212 (gsm) |

Skirmantas Steiblys

Dec 2, 2008, 4:29:52 AM12/2/08
I've checked changes and I don't have any additional suggestions to add. We confirm the participation of student union in BSB Exchange 2009, what kind of reports Goda needs and what contacts do you need more?

Respectfully Skirmantas Steiblys
VGTU SA Committee of
International Relations chairperson
Mob. phone:           +37067635867        


Dec 2, 2008, 8:06:24 AM12/2/08
to baltechexchanges

Looks just fine - made some minor changes, only editorial stuff
though. LinTek will be participating in the BSB exchange as well.


Liga Indriksone

Dec 9, 2008, 1:36:06 AM12/9/08
Dear all,

I am sorry for beeing late with this information.
Our exam session has started already, so it it really tough time here in RTU..

My team has already started work on this. I am sorry for not noticing you about this..
We also have some changes for these forms. I will send you our suggestions as soon as possible.

Thank you Katariina for your help in moving forward this!

As I remember, we agreed that application deadline will be in the begining of February? On previous year the deadline was on 28th of March.
So we have still a little bit time for finishing these forms.

Best regards,


Katariina Nyman

Dec 9, 2008, 5:11:44 AM12/9/08
Hi everybody!
Good luck with exams to Riga! Hopefully you can still find time to finish the drafts for us. Please send drafts as soon as possible, even if they are very incomplete, so we know what kind of changes you are thinking about.

Our deadline for applications is 28th of February and we're going to start promoting the exchange from the beginning of January (you can find the schedule set in TKK conference in the googlegroups -> Baltech exchange material). Thus we need all the material ready before the end of this year! It's only possible to start promoting if we know what we are promoting and we have the application form and guide ready.

Can you make it this month, Liga?

And one more thing. Could you also please make us all administrators of the group! We are still all just members while you and Skirmantas are owners. I don't know if the word is administrator, moderator or whatever but we need our membership status upgraded anyway. The reason for this is what we agreed in Helsinki, everybody should have the same rights to modify the group page so that improvements aren't delayed because one person is busy. So please do this as soon as possible! It only takes one minute!

The reports I was talking about earlier are the reports about exchanged made this year. I have finally received both from TKK guilds and will send them to Goda. Has Tallinn, Riga and Kaunas received their reports?

Best regards,

Katariina Nyman
Hallituksen jäsen, kansainväliset asiat
Teknillisen korkeakoulun ylioppilaskunta
09 468 3275 | 050 375 2212 |

Member of Executive Board, International Affairs Student Union of Helsinki
University of Technology
09 468 3275 | 050 375 2212 (gsm)
From: [] On Behalf Of Liga Indriksone
Sent: 9. joulukuuta 2008 8:36
Subject: Re: BSB exchange material drafts

Liga Indriksone

Dec 9, 2008, 10:25:50 AM12/9/08

I have already tryed to change the settings of the googlegroup, but I cant do that.

Skirmantas, can you help us?

Thank you in advance!

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