Hello community
I had struggled for the past 2 days with this annoying issue. I added a new client to the Bacularis Server, and mirrored the configuration as the other Windows machines already configured on the server.
Installed the bacula client on the target machine, enabled 9101-9103 ports on the firewall, configured the bacula-fd.conf on ther client to match the server and checked the client status from Bacularis Server. All seemed just fine.
Cloned the existing jobs full+incremental that are running just fine on the other existing machines and waited for the schedule to launch and finish the jobs.Jobs were launched, but never finished.
The error i receive is job myfulljob is waiting for Client to connect to Storage-sd.
What i did:
restarted all services
checked the bacula.dir with bacula-dir -t c- bacula-dir.conf and the other conf. files. ALL OK
checked telnet connectivity from the server to the client on port 9103, ok
firewall rule is ok, according to the network engineer.
So, what i am doing wrong here?