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Erro para atualizar versão do BD após atualizar Bacula de 9.0.3 para 13.0.3

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Diego Vaz

Sep 11, 2023, 4:18:41 PM9/11/23
to bacula-backup-pt-br
Boa tarde à todos.
Fiz a atualização do Bacula, de 9.0.3 para 13.0.3, e ao tentar executar o update da base de dados "bacula" recebo o seguinte retorno:

root@BACULA-BKP:~# /etc/bacula/scripts/update_bacula_tables -u root -p
Altering mysql tables

This script will update a Bacula MySQL database
 from any from version 12-15 or 1014-1022 to version 1024
 which is needed to convert from any Bacula Community
 versions 5.0.x, 5.2.x, 7.4.x, 9.x.x to Community version 13.0

Depending on the current version of your catalog, you may
 have to run this script multiple times

Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table 'bacula.Version' doesn't exist

Unable to detect database version, you can specify connection information
on the command line.
Error. Cannot upgrade this database.

Alguém conseguiria me auxiliar, por favor?
Desde já, obrigado!

Diego Vaz
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