2021.10.16 - Happy Hills - Feels Like I'm Crawling on Broken Glass

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Oct 16, 2021, 11:08:50 AM10/16/21
to Backblasts (F3 Cville)

Backblast! Feels like I’m bear crawling on broken glass

Date: 2021/10/16

AO: #ao_happy_hills

PAX: @hotbox, @L2, @boardwalk, @q-sack, @padre, @dribbles, @frostbite, @commando, @shrubs, @pudd’nhead

FNGs: 10

Q: @pudd’nhead

Total: 10

Conditions: Dark morning. Padre and YHC shuffled around the basketball court not knowing official protocol was to meet up by the flag on Forest Hills Ave. 0630 and only the two of us?? But then the PAX swooped in and our lonely 2 became a lively 10. Great to see @frostbite at Happy Hills! Lots of moans as YHC expressed his disdain for warmups and instead we jumped right into a welsh dragon, and then went back to a bit of warm up, and then some solid hill running with increasing burpees. Becoming a fav of YHC, a “Cora Dora”, and then a couple of triple checks. Bear crawls throughout, including a bear crawl down some stairs where a cute little turd had been laid front and center. The final bear crawl plan during the triple checks was foiled by broken glass. Not so smart to bear crawl through broken glass. Highlight for YHC was L2 absolutely dominating cross court frog hops. Put the rest of us to shame. The sweat was pouring as we watched the sun rise. Mr. @Q-Sac(k) provided the delightful PLC. Great morning men.


·      Jumped right into baseline to baseline Welsh dragon. Bear crawl 4 paces, 1 merkin, 1 plank jack, 1 shoulder taps (both shoulders). Repeat, but add one 1 rep each time until reach other baseline.

·      Hillbillies, third graders, sun gods, peter parkers,


The Thang:

– Mosey west, all the way to Cherry Ave. At top of hill 5 burpees,

--Mosey back, at bottom of hill 10 burpees

--Mosey back, at corner, 15 burpees

CORA DORA (at upper picnic pavilion)

--100 wheezy jeffersons on bench

--200 freddie mercuries

--300 american hammers

Other partner bear crawls down stairs then runs lap around splash pad

Head back to bball court

Split up into through groups, stay with your group

Triple Check 1

One group hold ball to wall or wall-sit

One group dips

One group lunging in between

Triple Check 2

One group Bobby Hurleys on one sideline

One group monkey humpers on other sideline

One group frog hopping in between


·      Lo slo flutters

·      LBCs

·      Canoe-boat thing (hollow hold position, bring legs in and out)

·      American hammers


·      Sign up to Q!



Had an episode at work where I got really angry. Not a good feeling. Thankfully, I cooled down and didn’t do anything rash or mean-spirited and dealt with it more productively. I knew that if I did what I wanted--lashed out--it wouldn’t make things better and it wouldn’t actually make me feel better. I would regret it and feel bad that I couldn’t control my reaction.

Hatred is not exactly the same emotion, but anger can often be the beginning of hate. So that feeling of real anger made me think of a quote from one of my favorite authors Haruki, Murakami. He writes these very surreal, dreamlike books and here’s his description of hate:

“Hatred is like a long, dark shadow. Not even the person it falls upon knows where it comes from, in most cases. It is like a two-edged sword. When you cut the other person, you cut yourself. The more violently you hack at the other person, the more violently you hack at yourself. It can often be fatal. But it is not easy to dispose of. Please be careful, Mr.Okada. It is very dangerous. Once it has taken root in your heart, hatred is the most difficult think in the world to shake off.”

― Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Don’t let hate in. 

Always an honor to lead,


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