SACAGAWEA (10/9/21): It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later (Tragen revisited)

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Bob Thiele

Oct 9, 2021, 5:17:31 PM10/9/21
to Backblasts (F3 Cville)

SACAGAWEA (10/9/21): It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later (Tragen revisited)

QIC: Speed Limit

The PAX (17): Blister, Boss, Bronco, Half Full, Sockeye, Poison, Grinder, Peaks, bOB, Woody, Recovery, Bailout, Homegrown, Sea Bass, Ghost, Caesar, Speed Limit

AO: Meriwether Elementary, Ivy ,VA

Total Time: 61 mins

Distance: 1.5 miles



1. Buckingham County (Bridge Ministry): life changing.  Be there



(N.B. The core of this workout was not developed by me, and for those of you were here this morning, you know who the credit should go to) YHC was excited to get back out to the gloom after a ~ 3 mo. hiatus on account of a L metatarsal stress fracture.  A bit of prep work including a Lowes run (now there are probably 30 coupons at the Sac) and a new twist to the groundwork – ropes.  A handful of PAX showed up early and made it down Decca Road in the pitch $%^&-ing black, regaled by the detailed recounting of a backpacking trip that involved 2 AM wakeups and through hikers talking constantly about [not fit to print] - and just think, we all thought the Appalachian Trail was about being one with nature.  Although in one sense this description was consistent with “nature” (by the way, who knew that Fruit of the Loom made tents?).  As an aside, some key figures from downtown F3 were invited, which kept the mumblechatter at a 10 on the inappropriateness scale, which is exactly where I like it.



Warmup [0-5 minutes]

Smurf Jacks     10

Plank Jacks      20

Devil abs (82nd airborne)       20

Scorpion Dry Docks     20

Pistol squats    20


Every day, we all carry with us problems, issues, insecurities, fears, troubles.  These problems can weigh us down both physically and emotionally.  Today, I invite you to put aside those problems because I am going to introduce you to the physical manifestation of your "problem" - The Cinder Block.  During the remainder of the workout you will not go anywhere without your "problem."  You are welcome to bring the rope I have provided you, but you will remain physically connected to your problem for the next 60 minutes.


Exercise 1 [7-15 minutes]

Triple Check (run with block, ground to overhead, superman with blocks)


Exercise 2 [16-28 minutes]

Playground Rotation

            10 Pullups with blocks (can use rope)

            Peoples Chair with Blocks

            TRX swings on blocks


Exercise 3 [30-40 minutes]

Noah’s Ark

            Bear crawl forwards and then backwards

            Frog hop / murder bunnies out and back


Poison: The Spartans were about the hardest of the hard.  Taken from their mothers at 7 years old and FORGED into warriors.  They strove to IMPROVE daily - no maintaining, no days off. When in formation, The Spartans fought with SHIELDS "LOCKED" together.  The shield you bore did not protect you, it protected your brother to your left.  If the man to your right knows you have a weakness, he can use his shield to help protect that weakness, while still counting on you for your strength.


Exercise 4 [40-45 minutes]

Overhead walk until fail (10 merkins every time you drop it)


Exercise 5 [45-55 minutes]

You cannot escape your problems

-       Carry your Problem 100m

Sometimes in life you have to carry your problems AND your friends problems

-       Carry your and your buddy's Problem: Farmer's Carry

Sometimes in life you have to carry your friend

-       Carry your buddy

Sometimes in life you have to carry your problems, your friends problems, and your friend

-       Carry your buddy and both of your Problems


Exercise 5 [56-60 minutes]

 - Wheezy Jefferson

 - Penguin Crunches

 - Flutter Kicks

 - Tiny Soldier

 - American Hammer



May 2, 2018 was the day I understood what this group was really about.  A guy I didn’t really know very well bared his soul to us and said something that, until then (I was 39 years old at the time), I had never heard a grown man say – “I am hurting and I am afraid.”  I never forgot that workout, and I never forgot what he said after.  I hope that, over these last few years, I’ve been able to serve as some sort of support for this man, who I admire deeply and who has become a close friend.  But today it was time for me to step up to the plate and acknowledge that now it is me who is hurting, it is me who is afraid.  My wife and I are separating after thirteen years of marriage.  The last few years have been particularly hard.  We both know that it’s the best thing for us as individuals, but the understanding that we are inflicting pain on the people who we care about most (our children) is a hard cross to bear.  Even more difficult is the understanding that henceforth, I will miss out on a lot of the tiny little moments with our children that bring me sheer joy.  Despite this sadness, I have felt an overwhelming amount of support by the men of F3, some of whom I asked to come out this morning – you all mean the world for me, and it breaks my heart to be moving away, away from my children, away from these relationships we have built out here.  I plan to become a bit of an F3 journeyman, splitting time between Downtown, Ivy, and The Bridge as my foot heals and my schedule allows (as you might imagine, it’s a little chaotic right now).  I am so lucky to have you all in my life, and I’m sorry that I haven’t seen many of you for a while, and that I haven’t been able to share this struggle with you the way I’d have liked to – we just couldn’t let our kids know until we had time to process, work with a counselor on how to tell them, etc.  Many of you were supporting me even when you didn’t know it – your shield squarely in front of me.  If I can ever do the same for you, please give me the chance to repay this debt – it would mean the world to me.

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